~Spectra's Deal~

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"Finally, there it is" Dan said "so that's Alpha City, I didn't think it be like this" Falco Said "Same here Falco, remember keep your eye out. Who knows what's following us" I Said "yes my Liege"


"Man...I'd never thought, we've get in here" Dan said "I think I stepped in something down there..." I said as I got out of the hole, we then heard a sound. We look seeing a car "we better move..." I Said as we ran to the sidewalk.

"Whoa, looks like we got here in the middle of rush hour" Marucho Said "how about a little warning next time...Shun" Dan said "sorry dude, check it out" Shun Said
"This place is nice, it's nicer then Icevous" I Said "please tell me, that was a joke" Wyvern Asked "Of course it was, you know nothing beats my home land" I Said as I giggled a little.


"I thought a city full of Vestals, would look more..evil like. Ya know" Dan said "ya, but everyone looks like us." Marucho Said "is everything alright Lady Icy?" Plitheon Asked "ya everything's fine...I guess" I Said as I kinda glanced at Shun.

"Battle of the Bakugan! The worlds top brawlers, In the ultimate smack down!"

"Battle of the Bakugan? What is this, like a tournament?" I Asked "looks like it" Helix Said "if there's a battle, Spectra and the Vexos might be here" I Said "your probably right, should we stroll around and see if there here?" Helix Asked.

"I don't wanna worry the others..." I Said "then just sneak away when you have the chance, we must make sure we know if there here or not" Helix Said as I sighed

I then noticed Mira left "huh? Where'd she go?" I Asked "she said she had something to do, and uh...are you okay? You kinda spaced out when we tried calling your name" Ace Said "huh...oh uh ya I'm fine, so...what are we doing?" I Asked.

"Shun wants to check something out first, you coming or you gonna ditch us like Mira?" Dan asked "don't say that Dan, you know she's not like that. It's fine if she doesn't wanna come, she probably has something on her mind she wants to get rid off" Marucho Said
"He's right...I have many things on my mind, but...I didn't wanna tell you cause, I'd thought you'd be worried" I Said looking down.

"Go ahead, we're not stopping you from leaving. If you do, just be careful" Shun Said "I will...I'll meet you guys later k" I said as I ran off


"Man this place is big, i can't even find a good place to sit" I Said as I kept walking "hmm? Milady, look" I turn my head, seeing Spectra "him! Strange...he randomly shows up" I Said

I then saw him walk into an ally, I followed after him to see what he was up to "Okay Spectra, game over. Now, tell me where Ice is or else" I Said holding onto Wyvern "easy now, I'm just here to talk to you Icy" Spectra Said.

"Fine, one chance to talk. Then I'm gone, here me" I Said as he nodded "I'm only here to make a deal with you" Spectra Said as I lifted my head "deal? What kind of deal?" I Asked
"You wanna see Ice and battle with her again right?" Spectra Asked "Of course I do" I Said as he smirked.

"And you'd do anything, for her to be set free?" Spectra Asked "yes...where are you going with this?" I Asked raising an eyebrow "it's very simple, I want you to battle your friends in the Battle Of The Bakugan" Spectra Said as my eyes widened
"No! I would never to something like that" I shouted "even not to see your Dragonoid again?" I flinched when he said her name.

I didn't know what to do, if I take the deal...I would have ice back, but if not...i would be lonely "Well, will you agree?" Spectra Asked "I...I..."


"Icy, I'll always be with you. Weather I'm with you or not"

~end of flashback~

"No! I'm not betraying them, and you can't make me. I'll find another way to save Ice, but I'll never help you!" I shouted "fine, be that way. But I'll get what I want, and you'll work for me" Spectra Said as he vanished.

"How dare he, Lady Icy would never betray her friends!" Plitheon Said "if he thinks I will, he's sadly mistaken" I Said walking out of the ally
"What'll you do?" Falco Asked "I don't know...but I know they'll be looking for me, they must know something I don't. I can't tell the others, they'll be worried...and I don't want that" I Said.

"So you'll just...hide it?" Falco Asked "yes I'll have to...don't worry Ice, once I've find you...we can be together again, forever"

Bakugan (Shun X Icy) CanceledWhere stories live. Discover now