~The Truth~

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*I must know..I need to get to the main area, and find out the truth!*

"And where do you think your going, Icy?"
"Lync? I have no time for this, I need to know the truth" I Said as he laughed "about your parents? I know something about that" Lync Said as my eyes widened "you do?! I bet you won't tell me, so I'll just find it out myself" I Said as I started walking.

"Whoa hold on, I didn't say that" Lync Said as he put his hands in the air "so..your actually going to tell me?" I Asked "I might, if you don't tell anyone about this" Lync Said as I nodded

"Yes, your parents souls are here. Once the machine is destroyed they'll be set free and live once again, that you know. But do you remember anything from your childhood?" Lync Asked "my childhood? Well no, not really..but what does that have to do with anything?" I Asked.

"Really, don't even remember..and old friend?" "Old...friend? Actually I do remember someone..he was a prince, with greenish looking hair"
"Do you remember what he ruled?" Lync Asked as my eyes widened "Vestal...wait, what does Zenoheld and Hydron have to do with my parents?" I Asked "it's what deal they made with them" Lync Said as I got concerned.

"What deal..did they make?" I Asked "you see, if you were to marry someone else. Then they would help Zenoheld with anything he needed, but if you married Hydron. Then everything would be fine, but you fell in love with a Bakugan then a human and another human" Lync Said as my eyes widened.

"So your saying...part of this is my fault?" I Asked "of course not, I didn't say it was your fault. It was mostly your parents, if they didn't make that deal..then this would've never happened like this" Lync Said as I fell to my knees with tears

"How..how could I have.." "Master icy, something is wrong!" Thunder Shouted "What? What's wrong?" I Asked "it's Drago! He lost the Pyrus energy! It's to late for anything now" Thunder Said as I punched the ground "damn it! It's basically all my fault! If I didn't fall in love..my parents wouldn't be trapped, Naga wouldn't have appeared. And I wouldn't have...met Dan and the others.."

"You've finally realized something huh, well I better be off. Zenoheld is going to need me now" "Lync wait!"

"Thank you..I now know the truth, thanks to you" I Said as I stood up "Master Icy, let's head to the others quickly! We mustn't waste any time!" Thunder Shouted as I ran

"I won't let you destroy anything your highness! You won't destroy what everyone here loves!"

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