~Earth Invaders~

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"Dan! Everyone, you've made it back!" I shouted as I ran with Runo and Julie, while Shun walks behind us.

"Hey guys, Shun Icy. Your back" Dan said "Master Shun and Icy, are you okay? We were so worried" Baron Said "Shun ran into Lync on New Vestoria, and now Alice has been attacked" Runo Said "and another thing..I lost the Ice energy, I'm so sorry guys" I Said as I looked away
"That's okay, at least you did your best against a Vexos" Dan said "see, what I tell you." Ice Said as I smiled.

"We should get inside, and bring each other up to speed" Shun Said "lets go!"


"It doesn't make any sense, we all know that the Vexos are after the Attribute energy's, the Seven Ancient Warriors gave us" Marucho Said "it's a trap. Just like it lured me and Icy to New Vestoria" Shun Said.
"But why bring us all the way out here, when they could've kept fighting us on Vestal?" Baron Asked while rubbing the back of his head

"Maybe the Vexos, changed there strategy when Spectra showed up again. It was pretty clear, when we saw Spectra and Volt during our last battle. That they aren't allies anymore"
Mira said "I wouldn't be surprised if Spectra had a hand in this. I can't see the Vexos, going to the trouble of dimensional transport. Unless they have no choice" Ace Said.

"Maybe Spectra, did something that forced them to take the battle off of Vestal" Marucho Said in theory "whatever the case, the fact remains that our enemy's has come to earth." Drago Said "Draco's right. Sitting here playing guessing games, isn't helping us. The Vexos are coming for us, so we gotta get ourselves ready for some heavy duty battle with those creeps" Dan said

"Maybe we shouldn't be so Gunhoe to fight them. I mean what if we lose?!" Runo Asked "they already age Haos and Ice energy, and they came close to winning a couple of others"

"Runo's right, we have to be smart about this. If they capture all the energy's..."

"Then the Bakugan destroyer, will be once fully functional. And all of the Bakugan that we fought so hard to free..will be completely wiped out, forever" Shun Said

"Me and Icy saw the horrible thing with our own eyes, when we were in New Vestoria. It's only particularly functional. But it's still turning the Bakugan into balls" Shun Said "oh no.."

"I can't believe it. Just when they were finally free, the Vexos better run when they see me coming" Ace Said "and that goes double for me Ace! I'm so mad!" Runo Said "don't worry Runo, we'll teach those Vexos a lesson" Julie said.

"Uh...does that mean you guys plan on, actually brawling?" Dan asked "well it makes perfect sense. Since Runo and I don't has any attribute energy to lose, we should be your first line of defence. Then you guy can fight, only when it's absolutely necessary." Julie said

"It's not a bad idea Mistress" Ice Said "your right, but it's far to dangerous for them Ice" I Said as I crossed my legs and arms.
"The Vexos are fighting with Mechanical Bakugan, and there crazy powerful. Not just any Bakugan can beat them" Baron Said as Runo stood up.

"Are you saying that my Tigrerra and Gorum, aren't good enough to fight along side you?!"
"You better take that back Baron!"

"Urge..." "is something wrong Mistress?" Ice Asked "just a headache that's all" I Said as I held my head "guys Runo has a point. Battling the Vexos is too risky for us now" I Said "they'll be expecting us to come after them, maybe it's time for us to switch strategies to. We should hide out for a while, and spend our time planning a sneak attack" Marucho suggested.

"Good idea, we'll have the element of surprise on our side for once" Mira Said "I don't know guys, sounds to me we're just sitting ducks" Dan said "ya guys, what'll happen if they find us?" Baron Asked

"Don't worry everyone, leave that to me. I always plan for all the possible scenarios. So awhile ago, I found a way to create a barrier shield using dimension wave technology" Marucho Said.

"A barrier shield?"
"It's kinda complicated to explain how it works, so it's best to try and imagine an invisibility cloak. As long as we stay in this house, the Vexos won't be able to find us" Marucho Said

Marucho pressed a button that made a shield form around the house "all systems are go, looks like the barrier shield is working!" Marucho Said.

"Nice job, now we sit back and try and wait the Vexos out" Shun Said "exactly how long do we have to wait?" Dan asked "I wouldn't be in a big rush if I were you, sorry dan" Marucho Said "huh?"

"Don't forget, Spectra's after Draco's perfect core energy to Dan" Ace Said "that's right Master Dan. Don't forget, if the Vexos followed us to earth. Then Spectra won't be far behind" Baron Said.

"Mistress, maybe I should take you outside" Ice suggested "sure ice..." "Hey Shun, I'm going to take Icy on a walk" Ice Said "why? Is something wrong?" Shun Asked "she's having a really bad headache, and I fell like a nice walk can help" Ice Said as Shun looked over at me.
"Okay, just don't go outside the barrier" Shun Said "don't worry, We won't"


"Ice..I'm think I'm going to sit down, you can tell Shun if you want" I Said as I sat down on the grass "I already told Shun you weren't feeling well, so don't worry" Ice Said as I sighed

"Being here is so peaceful, my headache is already going away" I Said as Ice landed on my Shoulder "it's like old time Mistress, when you were little. We'd always head to the ice gardens and relax" Ice Said as I smiled.

"Hey Ice...remember when we first met?"
I asked "yup, that was when you went into the ice forest. And helped me out of a trap" Ice Said as I laughed.

"Remember when my sister tired to hide from me? It was fun...ny? Wait, did you hear something?" I Asked "you don't think...they got to Mira..do you?" Ice Asked

"I think so Ice...that means there's only four left, which means we have to protect each and everyone of them, don't worry Ancient Warriors. We won't let the Vexos win"

Bakugan (Shun X Icy) CanceledWhere stories live. Discover now