~Whats The Plan?~

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"Welcome Brawlers to today's battle tournament, were counting down the seconds on the first round. Who's ready to face the heat? And who's ready to be smacked down in cold defeat?"

"Man I wish I was in there" Helix Said "don't you remember what Shun Said, I cant Brawl till I feel better. You know how he is" I Said as I leaned on my seat "well he's doing great in the tournament, and Ace is also amazing. They'll beat everyone of them, and destroy that machine" Helix Said as I sighed.

"That's only if they can do it, both are good at Brawling. But what about there team work, in a double Brawl you need Use team work. If you don't, then you'll lose instantly" I Said crossing my arms

"Let's hope the plan works, I mean all your doing is watching them. Man when will the plan even start?" Helix Asked "when the time is right Helix, we just need to be Patience. Plus I need to make sure, they don't lose there cool" I Said as I leaned forwards and placed my hand on my cheek.

"Are they start arguing, Man can't they at least get along" Helix Said sighing "they both may act alike, but there totally different" I Said as the battle ended.

"I might have a little talk with Shun" I Said "more like a long talk" Helix said "not funny, plus I talk to him about things that are important. Plus the last one we had, it was just about how worried I was" I Said "more like, how angry you were at him then worried" Helix Said as I growled.

"Hush it will you, Marucho's up next" I Said as the battle started with his opponent, brining out a flying eyeball.

Marucho brought out a...Bunny?

"Oh my...if I Battle that cute thing, i'd he yelled at" I Said "mostly by Dan" Helix Said "hush"
Marucho tried to attack, but his Bakugan fell and was out of the tournament.


"Spectra...I get why he wanted me to battle, he wanted me to replace Shadow and battle Shun and Ace. Well to bad for him, he knows I'll never do that" I Said as I saw him glance over at me.

"Why'd he glance at you?" Helix Asked "no clue...he's up to something" I Said "Excuse me, are you miss Icy?"

"Hmm? Yes that's me, what do you want?" I Asked "someone wanted me to hand deliver this to you, he says it'll help you later on" I grabbed the box and stared at it.

As I opened it, I saw Ice in it "Ice...it's really you" my head then started to hurt, I didn't know what was happening "Milady, are you okay?" Wyvern Asked "I'm fine...don't worry about it" I Said as I stood up.


"So you've changed your mind?" Spectra Asked "yes..."
"Good, now take good care is midnight" Spectra Said as I smirked "don't worry...nothing bad will happen"

*your plan will fail Spectra, you think handing me a fake Ice would work. Think again*


"It's the semifinals, whoever wins faces off the top battlers. Good luck Shun and Ace" I Said as I crossed my arms and leaned backwards on my seat, Helix then sighed as they argued.

"Why did we get stuck with this job?" Helix Asked "cause out of everyone, I'm the only one who can get people to get along. Plus, I really didn't want to do anything else" I Said "oh ya, well let's hope they can win this" Helix Said as the battle started.

The battle started with both Hammersuar and Acorsuar gaining power "they better get along...or else the plan won't work" I Said "don't you worry your highness, I maybe Spectra's. But I serve you" midnight Said "you better hide, I don't want anyone seeing you yet" I Said as she went into my pocket.

Ace's Bakugan charged in trying to hit Acorsuar, when he did hit him. Percival was punched my Hammersuar, Ingram shot at Acorsuar. But he reflected the attack back.

Ace activated his Darkus Driver Ability, Shun then activated Wind Power- Soaring Strike Shot. But both attacks were blocked

"These girls are good, they made both Bakugan hit each other" I Said as Shun and Ace started fighting again "will you two knock it off!"
"He started it" ace said "I don't care who started it, if you two don't work together. The plan won't go out so well"

"How can I work together with this guy! He's in my way!" Ace shouted "don't ask me, ask yourself. You two need to find a way to work together, and once you do. Use it to defeat your opponent"
"I guess it could work"

"I see why they picked you, lets hope this works" Helix Said "it better, cause I don't want to be blamed on for this" I Said as I brought my head down a little.

Shun started the round with a gate card and sending out Ingram, both girls brought back out Acorsuar and Hammersuar, as Ace brought out Percival.

The purple girl Activated her ability Power Eraser, draining 300 from Ingram and Percival, Shun actives his Gate Card.

Ingram gained 300 and used Shadow Echo, Ingram came in from behind Acorsuar and chocked it. The pink girl activated Flash Bow, hitting only Acorsuar.

"That's what I call team work!" I Said "they really took your advice" Helix Said as I smiled "they used what they did, they turned them against each other" I Said as Ace Activated Tri-Gunner.

Making Acorsuar, be taken by Ace. "Perfect, they keep doing this. They'll win for sure" I Said smiling "there even better now, nice work Master" Helix Said

Shun activated his Continuous Dance- Phoenix Position Ability "Yes! Way'd a go Shun!" I Said in excitement "amazing!"

"Nice work you two, I knew you could do it"
"It's all thanks to you Icy" Shun Said as I blushed "Hey all I did was give advice, you two did all the battling"
(They have a calling device near there ears)

"Ya but, if it wasn't for your advice. We would've lost, Thanks Icy" Ace Said "not a problem, now good luck. And win this for us!"

"I better head back to my master Icy, thank you for your kindness. Don't worry, I won't tell him anything" midnight as she left.

"You won't win Spectra, you'll fall by our hands!"

Bakugan (Shun X Icy) CanceledWhere stories live. Discover now