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"Okay, not much further" Dan said "I can't wait to smash the BT system" Ace Said "you and me both"
*mom dad..don't worry, I'll set you both free from your prison*

"This is odd"

"It's to quiet" Shun Said "it's true, we've been zooming around for awhile. And we haven't even seen a hint of the Vexos anywhere" Mira said "she's right..."
As we turn a corner we saw guards "oh no?!"
"That's why we haven't seen anyone!" Shun Said "it's an ambush!" Dan Said "we have to bail Dan, before they see us. Get ready to jump!" Ace Said.

"At this Speed, are you out of your mind?! We'll be the ones smashed into smithereens! There's gotta he a better way, Cmon guys!"

"Calm down dude!" Dan shouts "it's the only way, hang on" Ace Said as he jumped out with Marucho "Cmon!" Shun Said as he grabbed Baron's hoodie "Master lets go!" Thunder Said  as I nodded.
I waited for Shun to jump out as Baron followed, I quickly jumped down and headed toward Shun and baron.

We then heard something crash "oh no!"
"Mira!" Ace Shouted "Dan!" "Are they okay?" Thunder Asked "I have no clue Thunder..let's hope they are" I Said in a worried tone

We ran inside to see if they were alright "Dan!" "Mira!"
"Talk to us guys!" Baron Said "There not here. Maybe they were thrown from the guards" Marucho Said "Alright let's go, we gotta hurry and find the BT system. Now that there onto us" Shun Said as Ace stood up.

"We can't just leave them!" Ace Said "he's right Shun" I Said as he growled "I'm going to find Mira and Dan." Ace Said "Hey wait up! I'll go with you" Marucho Said "Fine then, catch up with you later" Shun Said as he ran out.

"Shun wait up!" I shouted as I ran after him "Shun Icy hold on, I'm coming with you!" Baron Said as he ran after us


"What is this?" Shun Asked "this looks like some kind of, battle arena" Baron Said "how right you are" "huh?"

We all saw (Baron, Icy and Shun) Mylene and Volt come up from the ground "looks like you guys took a wrong turn" Volt Said "Now corporate, and hand over the Ventus Energy" mylene Said.

"No way, Baron let me battle with Shun" I Said "are you sure?" Baron Asked "yes, I'll make mylene pay for taking the Ice energy" I Said as I stepped up

"Gauntlet Power Strike!"

"Gate Card Set!" Mylene said throwing her card down "Bakugan Brawl!" "Cmon, Ventus Master Ingram! Bakugan Brawl!"
"Go Haos Boriates!" "Time to fly Thunder, Bakugan Brawl!"

"Bakugan Stand!"

"Bakugan Brawl! Bakugan stand! Ventus shadow wing rise!" Shun Shouted "Bakugan Brawl! Bakugan stand! Rise from the shadows Wyvern!" I shouted
Shadow Wing:350

Shadow wing joined together with Ingram
Thunder + Wyvern:1060

"Time for a rematch Shun, Ability Active! Prometheus Cannon!" Volt Said as Boriates fried

"Ability Active! Twin Fangs- Great Devine wing!" Shun Said as the attack was shot back

Boriates shot at Ingram again but missed as Ingram hit both Bakugan "nice one!" Baron Said as a light happened

"Oh man! Ingram's power level, just went way down!" Shun Said "ah yea, and it looks like there power level is rising instead" I Said *whats going on? Something isn't right here* I thought as I tried to figure out what they were doing.

*the field lit up after Shaun's Attack..and there power level went up, let's see...glowing field, glowing Mechanical Bakugan..wait, are they cheating?!*


"Gate Card Open! Phantasm!" Mylene Said as the Bakugan froze "what the..Wyvern thunder!"

Thunder + Wyvern:850

"Command Card Phantasm not only lowers the opponent's power lever by 100, but it also turns the into stone. So they can't move, Okay Volt now!" Mylene Said "I'm really going to enjoy this Shun, here it comes. Fusion Ability Active! Buster Mega Barrel!"

The attack hit Ingram knocking him out "and onto the next, Ability Active! Radiant Claw!"
Macubass hit both Wyvern and Thunder knocking them both out.

"Thunder Wyvern!"
"How are those guys able to do all that stuff?" Baron Asked "I don't know, but we better find out quick. Gate card set!" Shun Said throwing his card down
"Haven't you guys had enough, by now?"
"Bakugan Brawl! Bakugan Stand!" We all shouted as Macubass, Boriates, Ingram and Thunder rose.

"Ability Active! Glimmering shadow slash!" Shun Shouted "Ability Active! Chaos thunder Arrow!" I shouted as Ingram his Macubass and Thunder hit Boriates


"Big deal" mylene Said as the field flowed again "what's going on?" I Asked as all power levels went back to normal.
"Shun Baron, something isn't right. Each time we attack, there power level goes up and ours goes down. There doing something but what?" I Asked "whatever it is, it's totally cheating!" Wyvern Said as I nodded.

"I get it now! It doesn't matter if we decrease there Bakugan's power, it'll just refill automatically! So if we try to increase the power level of our Bakugan, it'll just go down" I Said "What are you serious?" Baron Asked

"Then the field itself was a trap!" Shun Said "the only thing that's going to decide the battling here, are the Bakugan's original base power level. Which means"

"Are Bakugan's Power levels aren't as high, as Mechanical Bakugan's" I Said "that's so unfair!" Wyvern Shouted "I think it's time, for my finishing move. Double Ability Active! Element Glow Plus Bolt Shooter!" Volt Said as Boriates hit both Ingram and Thunder.

It knocked both Bakugan out, as the Ventus Energy was stolen from Ingram "Ha! If you play with fire, you get burned brawlers. Well you were foolish to ever think, you would take us down in our own home." Mylene Said as they left

"You can't!" Shun Shouted "Thunder! Are you okay buddy?" I Asked as I held him in my hands "I'm..fine Master Icy, but I've failed...now they have the Ventus Energy"

"That's not important now, let's find the others and quick!"


"Man! Where'd did those guys disappear to?" Baron Asked "Sorry, I've failed to protect the Ventus Energy. That was entrusted in my, by the Seven Ancient Warriors.." Ingram said "don't worry Ingram, we're not finished yet. We still have the Darkus and Pyrus energy's" Nemus Said.

"Ya, the BT system is still two powers away. From being fully functional, and we'll have to keep it that way" Baron Said "which is why, we need to destroy the BT system immediately" Shun Said "Shun Baron Icy"

We turn seeing Marucho and Ace "Hey guys, we've got some bad news..."
"Unfortunately so do we..they took the Darkus energy from us baron" Marucho Said "I'm guessing..by the look on your face, they took the Ventus Energy from you as well..am I right?" Ace Asked looking down.

"That's terrible" Baron Said "ya Baron, that means the only one left is Drago's Pyrus energy." Shun Said "we gotta find Dan and Mira, Now!" Marucho Said "ya!"

"Sorry guys..I'm not going with you this time.." I Said looking away "what? Why?" Marucho Asked "theres..something I need to find out, please understand. I need to know if they are involved with in this" I Said "they? Who are you walking about icy?" Ace asked.

"She can't really say, but I'll be going with you guys. So I'll tell you while we look for Dan and Mira" Wyvern Said "Alright then, be careful Icy" Shun Said as they went looking

*I have to know...if they really used my parents soul for the machine*

Bakugan (Shun X Icy) CanceledWhere stories live. Discover now