~Six Degrees of Destruction~

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All of us were on a plan after we picked up Mira "it's good to see her again, right Milady?" Wyvern Asked "ya, it's been so long since then." I Said as I glanced over at Shun "is something wrong?" Wyvern Asked.

"It's nothing Wyvern, don't worry about it" I Said as I walked over to the others "so Mira, tell us. What's been happening in Vestal, since we parted ways. Back in New Vestoria" Shun asked
"Ya, I've been dying to know what happened to that creep Prince Hydron. And his Vexos goons" Dan said.

"Well, where do I start?"

"As soon as we returned to Vestal, we were invited to go on the evening News. To tell our story. While we were gone, several rumours have been happening. About what was really going on in New Vestoria, we went in front of the cameras, and tried. To tell the people of Vestal the truth"

"I can probably guess what happened next" Wyvern whispered "Same here...some royal families always makes up lies, so they can make themselves better" I whispered crossing my arms.

"So then, what happened to king Zenoheld and Prince Hydron?" Shun Asked "they disappeared, one night under the cover of darkness" Mira said "you mean, someone kidnaped them?" Ingram asked
"No, they fled before they could be captured and held accountable for there crimes!" Mira said

"King Zenoheld, Prince Hydron, and The Vexos. All escaped inside the royal palace, before anyone realized what was happening. And it was to late to stop them" Mira said "I can't believe King Zenoheld, is such a chicken" Marucho Said.

"King Zenoheld, is no coward. He wasn't running away to some, dark corner of the galaxy. Just after his escape, the resistance learned. That he was preparing, to hatch an even bigger plan. That would make him the ruler, of every thing and everyone" Mira said

"That's crazy! There's no way, we can sit back and let it happen!" Dan shouted "but how are we suppose to stop him, if we don't know where he is?" Shun Asked "he could be anywhere" Shun added on.
"Well..were aren't a 100% certain it's true. It'll be a difficult task to accomplish, even for Zenoheld. Let's hope for our sakes, it's just a rumour."

"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen. I'd like to thank you for your patience, we will be preparing to land shortly."


"Milady, You've been awfully quiet. Is something the matter?" Wyvern Asked as I shook my head "it's nothing Wyvern, don't worry about it" I Said as I glanced at Shun a little then back at the ground.

*i don't get why I feel this way...me and Shun have been together for a long time, but why do I feel like he's..no don't think that, he loves you. He's probably just focusing on the real matter at hand*


"Tell me I'm not dreaming" Mira said "your not dreaming, everyone had there reaction the first time" Shun Said "can you blame them?" Mira asked as we continued walking.


"Welcome back Mira!" Julie said "thank you guys, oh I almost forgot. Julie Runo, I brought gifts for you" Mira Said as she handed it to them.

"Hmm? Something wrong Wyvern?" Shun Asked "it's Milady, she seems worried about something" Wyvern Said as Shun looked over at me "I'll talk to her later" Shun Said


"Hey Icy"
"Mira..hey" I Said as she walked over to me "how've ya been?" Mira asked "I've been fine, I'm glad Wyvern got to stay with me" I Said as I smiled as him "so..I've been meaning to ask.."
"Hmm?" "When will Shun pop the question?" Mira asked as I blushed "M..Mira?!.."
"I mean, how long has it been? You two have to be thinking about it right?" Mira asked as I looked away.

"I...I don't know, that's for him to decide not me. Besides, he's probably not even ready for that" I Said "if you say so, I'll talk to you later" Mira said as she left
*the question...I can't think about that now..I have better things to worry about, like my home, the Bakugan and..New Vestoria*


"That's strange...I feel really strange" Wyvern Said as I looked at him "you don't look so good Wyvern" I Said picking him up "what's going on? What's happening?" Wyvern Asked

A big light then appeared

"Whoa...where am I?" "Your highness" "Frost! Is that you, what's going on? Where's dan and the others?" I Asked "The Guardians are having a chat with them, we have lost a battle with Zenoheld"

"You fought him?!"
"He wanted to take all seven attributes, and use them for his plan. So I am in-trusting you and Wyvern to keep my Attribute Power, and protect it with your life" Frost Said as I saw Wyvern evolve.

"Wyvern...you look amazing" I Said "your highness, I am sending an old friend from Vestoria. You know him as Falco, but he has evolved into Thunder Falco Storm. He'll help you on your mission, you our last hope. Go and defeat Zenoheld!"


"Huh...guys..what just happened?" I Asked as I sat up "did you see it to?" Dan asked as I nodded "was it..a dream?" Mira asked "that was no dream. Just look at how we changed" Drago Said

"It was real..Wyvern...everything Mira said, it wasn't a rumour. It was true" I Said holding him "Milady, what do we do now?" Wyvern Asked

"We go and stop Zenoheld!"

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