ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙: 𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕀𝕥 𝔸𝕝𝕝 𝔹𝕖𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕤

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When I finished signing my new name everything shone white and then got a light tint of the rainbow before going black again.  I couldn't see a thing and it felt like I was suffocating.  Everything was painful and I felt like I was in a whole new body.  I soon felt something grab onto me and I still couldn't open my eyes.  I feel disgusting.

"Good job miss, looks like you gave birth to a healthy male.  I will need to take him back to get him cleaned up."  I heard a male human voice say.

"Why isn't he crying...?  Is something wrong?"  A worried voice of a female human says.  Cry...?  What does that mean...  I guess there are still words I haven't made.  This is very uncomfortable and weird.

"No ma'am.  This happens though uncommon.  It usually means they have a high pain tolerance."  The male human voice says.  I felt myself being brought somewhere and I heard doors open and close even though I didn't know what I was hearing at the time.  Soon enough we went into a different room with the sound of screams of younger humans.  Obnoxious.  Why wail?  There is nothing to gain except the irritation of others.  Soon enough I felt something warm wipe my body.  I could open my eyes and I opened my eyes to a world full of humans.  I looked down and saw I had tiny human hands.  I moved them around as to curious of how they were like.  They couldn't move too much without hurting a lot.  Humans are weak.

"Curious one, eh'?"  The male human says with a smile as he wraps something soft around me.  I look at it questionably.

"This is a blanket."  The human says and I nod.  He looks shocked.  Did I do something incorrect?  Maybe the humans see it as something bad here.

"Must be copying the other nurses."  The human says before grabbing my sides and picking me up.  Why are the humans transporting me?  I should be able to do that myself unless the human bodies are too weak...  We walk into a room and I see a female human with blonde and pink hair laying down.  She smiles weakly.  The doctor brings me to the human and the human holds me beside her.  Is it natural for humans to want to hold everything?  Humans are peculiar indeed.  This human seems to have a similar description to what I had.  Could this be my mother?  Do humans commonly look like their parents?

"He is beautiful."  The human says before smiling.  What is this human doing with their mouth?  Does this shows emotions?  Or maybe something more complex.

"I will leave you to be with your son."  The male human says before leaving.  I guess this is my mother.  Well, her name above her head in Emiko Riku and that is the same last name as myself.  If I'm here might as well ask some questions...

"Mother, do you care to explain what you are currently doing with your mouth?"  I ask the human and she looks shocked.

"H-How did you talk already...?"  The human asks.

"With my mouth, I'm not sure how it works yet as I am still to fully understand the concept with my insufficient amount of knowledge since I have not been here very long."  I say slightly confused as to how someone who has been here longer does not understand.

"Omg...  Doctor...  Doctor...!  Right, I need a doctor!  This is not normal!  This couldn't be an intelligence quirk already!  What the fuck...!"  She presses a red circle and it makes noises.

"Mother, what does that red circle do?"  I ask her.  The male human from earlier comes in.

"What's wrong ma'am?"  He asks worried.

"H-He just talked...  Wtf...?"  She says a bit shakily.

"I do not understand.  You just said the letter w, t, and f and earlier you said the letters o, m, and g.  Is there significance behind those six letters."  I ask.  The doctor looks shocked.

A Secret God (BNHA x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now