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This story and my other story are both going on a hiatus, I don't know how long it will last since right now I have a severe lack of motivation to continue these stories.  I also previously mentioned that there would be one more story.  Since I am not writing it I will post it's first chapter and  cover here for if you want to just want to enjoy the quick main idea.

(I might add the cover later when I'm on my laptop with the image.)

The Heroes of Japan were all having a meeting about a top secret case.

"You said we finally got a lead?" Endeavor says from his chair.

"Yes, a civilian said they saw one of the scientists enter an abandoned house.-" Nezu said. He wasn't his normal cheerful self since today they had a case that he could relate to. When Nezu escaped the lab that gave him his quirk they moved locations and they were doing their best to catch them. They were very well hidden and the idea of what happened to Nezu happening to someone else shook him to his core. It was too horrific to remember the details but this case made it so he couldn't help but do so.

"-We plan on sending someone to infiltrate the place. We have a scientist here and he has a strong quirk to protect himself." Nezu finishes. In walks a guy with light blue hair.

"The name's Aoi. My quirk is I can make sphere force fields that can grow or shrink, they're pretty strong." He says.

"Isn't it better to raid the place?" Mt. Lady asks.

"In most cases we would but we need to scope it out since we have no idea what we're going against." Kamui Woods says.

"Correct! We can avoid possible casualties that way." Gunhead says.

"We found broker and plan on Aoi asking her to introduce him to the organization." Nezu says. They discussed plans for a while longer before sending Aoi off.

~Time Skip~

~???'s P.O.V~

Our broker called us saying that she found a dedicated scientist that heard of our organization. I was waiting for her to show up when the door opened and instantly could tell it was her by her bright red hair.

"Akako found a good one!" She said.

"Stop fucking talking in third person. You sound like a maniac." I say which just makes her giggle.

"Well Akako was just doing her rounds when this guy approached her...! Akako thinks he'll be a good worker." She says. I look at the guy up and down.

"I'm Aoi. I'm dedicated to giving animals quirks of their own." He says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Huh?" He said is in confusion.

"Why do you want to give them quirks?" I ask him.

"To make them into a personal army." He says. He seemed somewhat unsure.

"Okay then, but you will have to be a janitor here for a month to prove you are truly dedicated." I say before walking off.

~Time Skip~

~???'s P.O.V~

I had so many wires and tubes connected to me. I had no idea what they were. They gave me some shot that makes it so I understand them and I can talk but that's all I know it does, there could be more to it. They constantly cut me and take my blood. I have a muzzle on so I can't cry or talk. Everything... Hurts... I don't want this... I don't want this...! I DON'T WANT THIS! I would rather die!! Pain, so much pain... These humans... Are awful... I used to just be a happy lion cub but now I'm a test subject. They brought my twin brother as well but they tested on him first... Now they are testing on me so I can only assume the worst. Every inch of my body aches. Why hasn't anyone stopped this...? All humans must be the same... They walked in with another shot and a guy with blue hair who was holding a clipboard was behind him.

A Secret God (BNHA x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now