ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟡: 𝕊𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕤 𝔽𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝 ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕀

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The next day was the same as always for the most part, Freddy woke me up and gave Katsuki and I uniforms, we got dressed, I did my hair, brushed our teeth, we ate breakfast with my father, and left towards U.A.. We were worried that the press would be there but luckily there were no sign of them. Katsuki and I were early as per usual, the first to school, Katsuki never likes getting up this early but since he has no choice he deals with it, either lose a few minutes of sleep or walk.

"Those fucking extras better not annoy me." Katsuki says with a huff.

"People naturally want information they do not possess if they know they don't possess it and they can, people want what they can get. So they will more than likely ask as many questions as they can." I explain.

"Can you stop being creepy. Tsk." Katsuki says while rolling his eyes.
"I currently do have much energy and would prefer to not alter my phrasing to make it seem more normal currently." I say.

"Is this why you used to speak like a fucking nerd as a kid?! You sound like four-eyes." Katsuki says. I reply with,

"When I was at the age you consider a child I had not yet developed an understanding on how people naturally speak in such phrasing, now that I have learned I only speak like I am currently when I do not have the energy or will to change how I speak and you already know the reason behind it so there is no reason for me to hide it." Before Katsuki could say anything more the classroom door opened revealing Iida. I gave a polite wave and he waved back before going to his seat while saying,

"I am glad you decided to come in early as well Bakugo, same for you Sora but you are always early which is admirable that you take U.A. and your studies so seriously." I smile and say,

"Thanks! Although Katsuki was only early because my driver drove him to school today so we most likely won't see him up this early again." Katsuki stands up and shouts,


"Sit down this instant! Yelling in such a prestigious school like U.A. is a disgrace to the people who put their hearts and souls into making it what it is today!" I chuckled and soon, before I knew it, people began entering the classroom and taking their seats, talking like normal. It is almost like everything that happened in the USJ never actually happened. Iida went to the front of the class and shouted,

"Everyone!! Morning homeroom's about to begin. To your seats!" Sero piped up saying,

"We're sitting. You're the only one up." Iida froze for a second before sulking towards his seat. Aizawa soon opens the classroom door while saying,


"You're back already Aizawa-sensei?!! What an undeniable Pro!!" Aizawa wobbles to the podium and Iida raises his arm and says,

"Glad to see you doing well, Sensei!" Uraraka nervously says,

"If you can call that doing well." She had a good point, he was literally covered head to toe in bandages. After Aizawa gets behind the podium he says,

"My welfare isn't important. Because your fight is far from over."

"Our fight?"

"Don't tell me..."

"More Villains?!" Aizawa then says,

"U.A.'s Sports Festival is fast approaching!" Everyone gasps and shouts out,

"That's totally ordinary!" Fighting your friends and other classmates, possibly taking away their dream, being scouted by Pro Heroes to work beside, and being seen by millions... no, possibly billions, is considered ordinary? Interesting... Someone then shouts out,

A Secret God (BNHA x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now