other children

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" Anna, come on its raining!" Teresa shakes my resting body. My eyes snap open as she shoves my day clothes at me, which contained a plain cotton white collard T-Shirt, a short black skirt, a pair of grey knee length socks and a pair of black Mary janes, and explains what was going on. I didn't even bother to change after those words left her mouth and within seconds we both are racing down the hallways with many twists and turns to the only window that we know of in this building.

"Woah, now all I want to do is touch it.... I wonder what it feels like" I say mesmerized. We stare out the window until a voice scares us."looking at the rain, something I thought I wound never live to see again" Ms. Paige says from behind us. She has always been kind and caring but get on her bad side and your dead. Aris and Thomas always like to push her limits. Though sometimes I have wondered if her kindness was an act. She almost seemed too nice at times. most of the time her smiles seemed forced and a slight look of irritation would flashacross her face before it would transform into a understanding one. of course, you wouldn't've noticed unless you were looking for it.

We all stand there amazed by the falling water droplets until their is yelling echos from down the hall and footsteps behind us. "Hurry up!" " I am going to win!" The voices echo through the narrow halls, Both Thomas and Aris shove their way to the window and press their faces flat against the glass.

We watch for another good 20 minutest then the show is over.

  "Come along now, we are late for breakfast" Ms. Paige speaks up and we fallow her to the empty cafeteria. I can't wait just in a few hours some busses will arrive with many other children.

We are going to be tested but we are going to help others from becoming sick. I had to watch my own parents and only sister die and I know Teresa has talked about her past life. Many of us have probably had traumatic experiences with this virus and hold a strong hatred in our hearts for it. I know I do.

My old name was Historia but now it's Anna while Teresa used to be Deedee and now is Teresa. I am not sure about Aris or Thomas.

We eat quickly and Teresa and I race back to our room. We share a bunk ( I got the top). Their is about 100 rooms exactly like this one but all have remained empty until today. We read some books supplied to us by the workers until a knock from our door comes and Ms. Paige comes in nodding for us to follow.

We collect the boys and head to a huge room with a tv, sofas, desks and some toys. All four of us are in a plain white collard t-shirts with the words "wicked" written into the collars. We stand with out hands to our sides as we were taught waiting for the children to file in.

Slowly some boys and girls wander into the large room and I fill with joy inside. There is two boys and two girls who inmedailty catch my attention. " go introduce yourselfs" Ms Paige tells us and I pull Teresa to the 2 girls. "Hi! This is Teresa and I am Anna!" I say too excitedly. ive never had the chance to make friends. I do remember snippets of my sister's friends coming over to visit, of course by the time I reached of age that one could have the chance to make friends the virus had already hit and everyone avoiding contact in fear " I am Harriet and this is Sonya" Harriet says. Harriet seems more friendly and sociable but Soyna seems rather more..unsociable.

We chat and answer their questions about what it's like here and then Thomas comes over to us with the two boys who also caught my attention. " this is Newt and Minho" he says excitedly and I introduce them to the new girls.

Minho rolls his eyes and whispers into Newts ear " watch out girls are weird" and Newt gives a small chuckle.

"Come on children, dinner is ready" Ms. Paige yells and most race to the doors that lead into the kitchen.  Others are hesitant to enter the loud cafeteria that echoed every sound.

We all wait for it to clear out before we walk in and take a seat. There seems to be about 150 other kids here all about ages 5 to 9.

We all get in line for some Mac and cheese and sit down in the corner of the room, beside us is two younger kids about 4 or 5 but look alike. One seems to be a bit of a chubbier kid but the other one is a girl and she seems skin and bones. They both have dark brown curly hair. They keep looking to each other are smiling.

We continue eating and found out Newts old name was Issac and Minho's had refused to tell giving the excuse that we probably wouldn't even be able to pronounce it. Harriet was named Emily and Sonya was Alex.

"Hello everyone, I am Ms. Paige and you all will be here for many years but will be key to keeping our race alive. We know you all have had terrible experiences and many of you are stronger than many other children. You all must use your new names,  no questions asked. You can't change them and no complaining. We have 4 children who grew up here and have been here for a few years. When you finish dinner take your dishes I the table here and stack them and head to your rooms, anyone in a wicked uniform can help you to your rooms." And with that she walks off stage.

Newt takes the longest to eat mainly just playing with his food. When he does finish we all stand up and head to the hallways. Teresa and I stop at our door and turn to see Minho, newt, Harriet and Sonya in line to ask a wicked worker and Thomas along with Aris entering their room on the boys side of the hallway.

I lay in bed as Teresa paces around the room. " what are you doing" I say annoyed. " thinking" she answers. I turn on to my front and pull the pillow over my head. "Anna? Do you think something is odd about that newt guy, I mean he doesn't seem right" she says all of a sudden stopping and climbing the ladder to the top. " no why?" I say confused. Why would she think that newt kid is wierd? " he seemed kind of depressed and seemed like he couldn't trust" she shrugs.

I think back and do see him being depressed, he always seemed per occupied with something and tried to hide it not doing a very good job.

"I Want to be his friend... You know so he can finally trust someone" Teresa says as she climbs back down to settle in her cot. " yeah" Is all I answer as I drift off.

A/N: okay so this was written maybe 2 years ago? This was way before even the fever code was announced so nothing here will be spoilers for the fever code unless it happens to be coincidence (I still have yet to read it) I will be editing the chapters slowly, some things will change. Anyways I hope you enjoy!

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