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I looked up from the game I was playing on my phone and saw Yoongi and Jin making a pile of things by the front door. I was curious what they were up to and wandered over.

"What are you doing?"

Jin answered, as he set down a cooler, "We're getting our stuff ready to go fishing in the morning. It's the only day we have time to go. We've been planning this for months, which you'd know if you ever listened when we talked."

"Hmmm, do you need any help?" I offered, thinking maybe I could join them if I was nice and offered to help. Tomorrow will be the first full day off for us in the last two months. After tomorrow, we won't have another full day to ourselves for a month.

Ever since our group's popularity exploded, time to ourselves came at a premium. I hadn't realized everyone in the group had made plans for tomorrow. Hobi already left to meet up with his family. Jimin and Taehyung had plans with friends of theirs. I wasn't sure what Namjoon was up to, but I knew it involved quiet time and nature. Nature, I love...quiet time, not so much. But I didn't want to just sit around by myself in the dorm all day either. If I couldn't convince Jin to let me go, I didn't know what I'd do.

"Can I come with you? I don't have anything going on tomorrow," I asked.

Jin and Yoongi stopped and rolled their eyes, looking at each other.

"Do you even like fishing?" Yoongi asked, screwing up his face like he couldn't even imagine me with a fishing rod in my hands.

"Sure, who doesn't like fishing?"

Yoongi narrowed his eyes at me, "And you're not going to get bored and be annoying, right?"

"Of course not," I answered, a little insulted. I wasn't fifteen anymore; I was 21 years old now.

They passed a look between them again and Jin said, "Ok. We're leaving early in the morning and we're not waking you up. If you're up and ready to go, then you can come with us. If not, then have a good time by yourself tomorrow."

My face lit up. "Thanks guys!"

"Not so fast," said Yoongi, "you have to buy the beer for tomorrow. And you might want to do it tonight, since we're leaving early."

"Deal. I'll go now," I said, grabbing my keys and heading out the door.


I shocked Yoongi and Jin by being up and ready, sitting on the couch before they even got up.

"Is that really what you're wearing, hyung?" I asked Yoongi. He was covered head to toe; the only part of him visible was his forehead. And then he pulled down his wide brimmed hat and even his forehead disappeared.

I mean, I got it that he was super pale, but they made this stuff called sunscreen. You could literally get sunscreen with 130spf and higher now and you could get it almost anywhere.

But then Jin walked out, dressed pretty much the same as Yoongi.

Do they know something about fishing that I don't know? 

I looked down at my own clothes; sport shorts, t-shirt, and a jacket. I was just going to wear a baseball cap, but maybe I should wear my wide brimmed hat instead. Nah, my baseball cap will be fine.

The drive to the docks in Incheon took us a little more than an hour because of traffic. I sat in the back seat of Jin's car and listened to him and Yoongi talk...about fishing. Boy, were they obsessed! Fishing line, fishing rods, different species of fish, types of hooks...these were the topics of conversation the entire way there.

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