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"Did you have fun today?" Jungkook whispered, lazily drawing small circles across my stomach with his fingers. He lay on his side, his head propped up on his hand. It was dark enough that I could barely see his outline. Both Jin and Yoongi were asleep already.

"I did. Definitely my best day ever, because of you," I whispered back. He turned over onto his back, pulling me over so his arm was around me and my head lay on his chest.

"I am so tired. I could sleep for a thousand years," he sighed. I could tell from his breathing that he was drifting off.

"Baby, don't go to sleep yet. You still have a penalty coming," I whispered.

"What are you talking...ahhhh!"

My hand slid downward into his shorts. "What are you doing?" he groaned as I slowly, but firmly stroked him. "Ahhhhh noona...oohhh."

"Baby, please don't. You make me feel...aaahhhhhh....so good, it just comes flying out of my mouth. Jin already thinks...mmmmmm....I don't want to wake them up," he said, holding onto my hand.

"Then you need to figure out how to be quiet. You can grab my hand all you want, baby; that was just to warm you up," I whispered as I moved down between his legs. "Besides, isn't this how penalties work?" I pulled down his shorts. "If you want me to stop, I'll stop. Just tell me you really don't want this." Still stroking him, I waited...

"Ahhhh, I can't," he finally said. I bent down and put my lips around him, sliding down the length of him. He started moaning, "Aaahhhhh... mmmmm....aahhhh." Within seconds, he was a mess, every breath ending with him moaning loudly. After a bit, I quickened my pace and he got even louder.

"Mmmmm... ooh..oooh... noona, mmmmm... I'm gonna... mmmm," he groaned. I responded with a hum. His fingers tangled into my hair as he pushed himself deeper down my throat, gagging me. He whimpered, "I can't... ahhhhh... I'm... I'm... oh my god... oh my god... mmmmmmm." Shuddering, he finished, filling my throat with his warm come. Finally, he relaxed, panting heavily.

Seconds later, from the other side of the cave, we heard Jin and Yoongi applauding and laughing themselves to death. "Jeon Jungkook, you are a fucking rock star!" exclaimed Yoongi, trying to catch his breath.

"Oh god, just kill me now," Jungkook groaned.

Giggling, I crawled back up to lay by his side, but he pulled me in for a hard kiss. "Oh baby, I love you so much. Thank you."

He wrapped his arms and legs around me, holding tightly to my braid, and I nuzzled my face into his neck. He fell asleep within minutes, while I slowly drifted off, fearful because, in my experience, nothing this good ever lasted forever.


Our days fell into a routine. With all four of us working hard in the mornings, we were able to get all the work done, so most afternoons we played. We went to the waterfall often. We tried to teach the dogs new tricks. We attempted to body surf, which was a complete failure. Red had two movies in her phone and we huddled together, watching those movies over and over. Thank God she'd had the foresight to throw a solar charger into her survival bag. We even took up Namjoon's pastime of searching for crabs, keeping those we found as pets for the day in tin cans, and then letting them go at night. Anything we could think of to pass the time, we did.

We were brown from the sun; even Yoongi and Red were turning a beautiful golden color. We were also covered in bug bites, scrapes, and bruises. Yesterday, Red even had to put a few stitches in Jungkook's thigh, without any anesthesia, after his knife slipped out of his hand. Trying to stay alive alone can be brutal.

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