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*trigger warning-sexual abuse*

She may have been startled when I sat down, but she wasn't the only one surprised in that moment. I barely recognized her. With her hair loose and blowing in the breeze and her face scrubbed free of all makeup, she had a much softer look. There was nothing scary about her anymore; she was actually kind of pretty.

I looked her over and quickly averted my eyes when I noticed she wasn't wearing a bra now, only the overalls. They actually were big enough to cover her, but if she moved just the right way she would be exposed. That's when I noticed her bra had been cut into strips and was tied around her lower leg.

"What happened?" I asked, concerned at the dried blood staining the fabric.

"Don't worry. It's not bad; it just bled a lot. I cut it trying to climb back into the boat," she said, dismissing it as unimportant. "What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? We've been looking for you for days," I told her. "Rowan, please let me apologize. I didn't really mean any of what I said. I just panicked when I realized we weren't going home and I lashed out at you. I was wrong and I'm sorry I hurt you."

She was silent for a while, staring out at the water. Finally, she said, "Of course I accept your apology, but you didn't say anything I wasn't already thinking. I'm not upset with you."

"We miss you. Will you please come back home with me?"

"I can't."

"Why not?" I questioned. I would beg if I had to.

"I know you thought I left because of what you said, but that's not entirely true. I left because of JK," she revealed. Her fingers played in the sand, piling it over her toes. "He thinks he's falling for me, which is bad enough, but when I started having feelings for him too, I knew I had to go."

"I don't understand. If you both feel the same..." Her thinking confused me.

"I know you don't understand, because you don't really know me," she said, "Things have happened in my life that would never allow me to trust him. I would end up hurting him... over and over. Trust me, Shorty. I'm saving him from complete and utter unhappiness. He'll forget about me and move on to the next girl in line."

I chuckled at the last statement. "You don't understand him at all if you think that. JK has never fallen for anyone, and he's had plenty of opportunities. He vowed years ago there would only be one girl for him, even if he had to wait for her forever. You think you're one in a long line of girls, but I'm telling you you're the only one for him, probably ever."

"Knowing that doesn't make it any better," she said, quietly.

"Why do you think you'll hurt him? What happened to you?" I asked.

She remained quiet for some time and I thought she wasn't going to answer me, but after a few minutes she started hesitantly talking.

"My mother and father were happily married for five years before I came along. When I was four months old, my father walked out one day and never returned...obviously because of me. Unfortunately, that's not so uncommon where I was born, but my mother blamed me for ruining her life."

"When I was three, my mother met and married a very wealthy Korean businessman, and we moved from the States to Busan. He adopted me and I became a citizen of Korea. When they began to have their own children, I was treated differently. My sisters were treated like princesses, while I was provided only the basic necessities. My sisters quickly learned that it was ok to bully me, while I was punished for defending myself. My younger years were very Cinderella-like."

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