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Within about fifteen minutes, we were heading out into open water. I looked all around; the sky was brilliant blue and the sunshine was blazing. It was the most beautiful day we'd had in quite a while.

The boat gathered speed and we were knocked around a bit from crashing through waves. It was a rough ride, but the three of us laughed the whole time. As we got farther away from land, the ride smoothed out a little bit.

The trip out to where we were going to fish would take a little bit of time. Yoongi reached into the cooler and tossed each of us a beer. It was only mid-morning and the hyungs wanted to start drinking already. It was a little early for me though, so I slipped mine back into the cooler and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Yoongi asked me.

"I thought I would go hang out in the bridge with her."

Yoongi and Jin looked at me like I was out of my mind. "She was pretty clear she didn't want to spend any time with us. Why would you even bother?" Jin asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. I mean, if she truly has no one, don't you think that's kind of sad?"

Yoongi answered, "I think it's her choice, JK. You were probably right before that something happened in her past to put her off people, but you spending three or four hours with her isn't going to change her past...or her future."

He was right; he usually is, but there was something about her...I don't know, maybe I just wanted to fix her. I felt like every story should have a happy ending, and hers just seemed destined to be lonely and sad. I figured we were never going to be friends, but I at least wanted her to know that not everyone was out to hurt her.

I shrugged, "I'm still going to try. She'll probably kick me out anyway, so I might be back in just a few minutes."

As I walked away, I could hear Yoongi tell Jin that I was too sensitive for my own good. Jin told him to leave me alone; he'd rather have me be sensitive than be an asshole. I grinned at that. Jin always stuck up for me.

I stuck my head in the doorway of the bridge and she turned around, questioning me with her eyes. I didn't say anything. I just put my hands in my pockets and stood next to her, watching out the front window. She was noticeably tense for a while, but when I didn't say anything to her, she eventually relaxed.

We didn't say a word for quite some time. Then, out of the blue she asked me if I'd ever driven a boat before.

I smiled and said, "Well, definitely never one this big."

"Do you want to?"

My eyes popped open in surprise, "Can I? That would be great!"

She gestured for me to come closer and take the wheel. "I have to run below for a few minutes. Can you handle it by yourself for that long?"

I nodded, "But how do I know where to go?"

She pointed at a cloud in the distance. "See that cloud? Just keep going in that general direction. If we end up a little off course, I can fix it. I'll be back in five minutes. You sure you're ok?"

I nodded. This was great! This boat was smaller than the others at the docks this morning, but it felt huge now that I was steering it. I turned the wheel a bit, just to test out how it turned. I felt it shift a bit, but nothing too drastic.

She had been gone about a minute when I saw Jin peek around the doorway. "She's letting you drive?" he asked, shocked. I grinned at him, feeling like a big shot.

"She just had to go below for some reason. She'll be back in a few minutes," I told him.

"Is she talking to you now?" he asked.

She is the Storm | Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now