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I thought getting away from Jungkook would make me magically forget about him. That didn't work out the way I thought it would though. For five years, I had pushed everyone away, especially men; I thought I was good at it by now. Why did I change when I met him? Why did I let him wiggle his way into my heart? All day I tried to keep myself so busy that I didn't have any time to think about him, but somehow he was always on my mind.

I looked for her for several hours that afternoon, calling her name until my voice was gone. I tried whistling for the dogs, but my whistle sounded different than hers and I never heard a single bark. It was as if the three of them just disappeared into thin air.

I ducked back into the cave and flopped down onto my blanket. Jin was the only one there. I asked where Yoongi went and Jin said he went out looking for Red too.

"He feels really bad," Jin commented.

I answered, "Well, he should. What he said was cruel."

While I was lying there, I felt something sharp poking my leg. Reaching down, I found a tightly folded piece of paper on my blanket. I sat up, unfolding it. It was a hastily scribbled note from Rowan, telling us to spend our days down on the beach so we'd be easy to find when help came, but to go back to the safety of the cave at night. She explained how to find water and how to purify it. She suggested I practice every day with the slingshot, just in case the food didn't hold out long enough. The entire front of the page was covered with instructions to make sure we were ok.

On the back, though, was a paragraph meant only for me.

JK, I want you to know I will always have special feelings for you. In the short amount of time we spent together, you made me feel more loved than I've felt in a lifetime and I will cherish that forever. I wish things could have been different for you and me, but I promise I'm not the girl you're looking for. Find yourself someone amazing, someone who can love you the way you deserve to be loved, someone who isn't weighed down by a lifetime of baggage. I will never forget you. Love, Rowan 

Tears slid down my face, "Jin hyung?"

He looked over at me, concern evident on his face when he noticed my tears. He crawled over to me and I handed him the paper. He looked at the front, but I urged him to turn it over and read the back.

"That sounds like she's never coming back," I croaked, my voice just barely above a whisper, "even when we're found."

"We're going to find her. I promise you we won't leave this island without her," said Jin, pulling my head to his chest and wrapping his arms around me, almost smothering me.

"Why are you so sure they're going to find us?"

Jin thought for a moment and then answered me, "Well, for starters, we aren't all that far from Incheon. It only took us just under an hour to get here. Also, I know it's terrible to say this is a good thing, but with her boat up on the beach the way it is, it's kind of like a giant flag saying check this island. There are a lot of islands though, so it could possibly take some time. I just think it's better to live with a positive attitude, rather than be negative all the time. Don't worry. We'll find her and they'll find us."

I nodded, balling up the blanket in my hands as Jin and I talked. Jin suggested I go through the food bag and pick out something for dinner tonight. I moved over to the bag and rummaged through all the food.

"My goodness, there's a lot of Spam in here. How does she afford this? Spam is expensive here in Korea," I said, pulling out a can and setting it aside. "Can we cook something over a fire or do we want something cold?"

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