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"We have to swim? Do you see how far that is? I'll never make it!" I said, panicking.

Red shook her head and laughed, "No, you don't. He's just teasing you. We have two inflatable lifeboats. Just give me thirty seconds to think this through."

She paced back and forth for a few seconds and then grabbed a notepad. She started writing a list. "Name off anything you think we'll need to take with us. Food, survival equipment, first aid supplies...what else?"

She looked around at us, one by one. "Oh, we need to report our position," she said. She checked the map again and wrote down the coordinates and what to say. She handed that paper to Jin and showed him how to work the radio. She told him to keep repeating what she wrote down until someone answered him.

Jungkook shouted out, "Dog food!"

"Put it on the list."

"Blankets?" I asked.

She nodded and JK wrote it down.

"Write down tarps and rope," she yelled from the other side of the boat a few minutes later. "I think we need to start rounding stuff up. Come with me," she said as she disappeared down the stairs. Jungkook and I followed her.

She started making a pile at the bottom of the stairs. Pulling two large, already full backpacks out of a closet, she threw them on top of the pile. Showing me where the pantry was, she told me to throw anything useful into a garbage bag. We worked for twenty minutes, gathering everything we could think of.

While we were dragging everything up to the deck, we could hear Jin still yelling into the radio; no one was answering. The sound of static was easily heard over the wind.

"I'm going to move the boat as close to the island as I can get it," she told us, "then we'll inflate the lifeboats and load everything up. We need to get going soon. That storm is coming faster than I thought it would and we still need to get inland."

Luckily, she was able to maneuver the boat closer to the island than I thought she would. When she dropped anchor, I'm pretty sure I heard her beg the boat to stay put and still be there tomorrow. To be honest, I hadn't even thought of the possibility it might not be.

Half an hour later, we were all in one lifeboat, with the other lifeboat full of supplies tied to the back. The water was already choppy, making it a scary ride to the island, but we made it.

Jin and Jungkook pulled the lifeboats up the beach and into the trees. We decided to leave the supplies there while we scouted out a good place to wait out the coming storm. Jin wanted us to all stay together, but Jungkook thought we would have better luck finding a place if we split up.

Red opened one of the big backpacks, rummaging around inside until she found two whistles and two very scary looking knives. She handed one of each to Jungkook and the others to Jin. We must have had some weird looks on our faces. She just shrugged and said, "My aunt and uncle are survivalists. They taught me to always be prepared for a disaster."

"What else do you have in there?" asked Jungkook.

"Pretty much everything you could possibly need to survive," she said. "Knives, a hatchet, water purifiers, fire starters, solar blankets, small cookware, solar charger, flashlights...everything."

Jungkook nudged her, "Good girl!" She blushed, but quickly looked down at the ground, hiding her face.

"How come I didn't get anything?" I asked, feeling left out. She sighed and took the whistle from Jin and handed it to me.

"Feeling better, Shorty?"

I rolled my eyes at her and followed Jin into the woods. We had been scouting around for about forty-five minutes. The wind was rising and it had started to rain, not quite a downpour yet, but it was coming. Suddenly, we heard JK's whistle off in the distance. I blew the whistle I had, signaling him we were coming.

She is the Storm | Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now