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Yoongi and I sat there waiting for Jungkook and Red to wake up, fighting to keep our giggles in check. I'm not sure what happened in the night, but JK was spooning Red, his arms and legs wrapped completely around her. I don't know about Yoongi, but I planned on teasing them mercilessly all damn day about it. At this point, I'd do anything to break up the monotony of this cave.

It had been light for hours, but the storm still raged on. It seemed slightly weaker than yesterday evening, but only because the rain wasn't completely horizontal now. It was nowhere near over with. I figured if we're lucky, it might die down sometime this evening or in the morning.

Red started waking up first, trying to stretch before she even opened her eyes. When she realized she was trapped, she tried pushing Jungkook's arms away, apparently thinking it was one of the dogs.

"Jojo, you're smooshing me again," she said, still mostly asleep. A few seconds later, her eyes flew open and she fought her way out of Jungkook's embrace. Within moments, she was on her feet, crouching down, and yelling at Jungkook.

"What the hell, Jungcock? What...what are you doing here?" she shouted.

Jungkook cracked his eyes opened and reached out for her, pulling her back down beside him. "Come back to bed, baby. I could sleep all day like this with you," he murmured sleepily, smiling contentedly. He wrapped his arms around her again and closed his eyes, nuzzling his face into her neck. Seconds later, her knee connected to his private parts. He jolted awake and let her go.

"Ooof!" he gasped, clutching his groin in pain. "What was that for?" he groaned, rolling back and forth.

"I don't know," she said, "I just reacted. Are you ok? I didn't mean to hurt you that much." Red leaned over him, not knowing what to do. "What can I do?" she asked.

Jungkook reached up and pulled her toward him, unexpectedly kissing her long and hard. Yoongi and I looked at each other in surprise, our mouths hanging open. When she finally pulled away, JK lay there smiling and breathing hard.

"That made it totally worth getting kicked in the nuts," he said, grimacing. "I've wanted to do that all night."

She smacked him and said, "Well, cherish that memory, cause that's the last kiss you'll ever get from me."

Jungkook laughed at her and said, "We'll see about that. Someday, you're going to want me to kiss you again."

She chuckled, "Only in your dreams, song boy."

Yoongi looked at me and smiled, "This is better than a K-drama."

We sat there watching The Jungkook and Rowan Show and eating Pop-Tarts. I felt like we were at the movies, until Red turned on us. "What the hell are you two gawking at? Wait, Pop-Tarts? I'm freaking starving!"

She crawled over and dug through the food bag and got out two packages of Pop-Tarts. Sitting back down next to Jungkook, she handed him one package and smiled at him.

"Still friends?" he quietly asked.

"Still acquaintances," she said, smiling.

He nudged her with his leg and said, "It's a start."

I nibbled away at my Pop-Tart, trying to make it last as long as possible. "Hey Red, where do you get these things? I've never seen them anywhere before," I asked, holding up my half-eaten breakfast.

She looked up and grinned, "I order them on the Internet. I don't know if you noticed when you were going through the food bag, but I pretty much exist on American convenience foods and ramen. The only other thing I eat is street food. Anyway, I order stuff in bulk on the Internet every couple of months. Next time I make an order, I'll get you some if you want me to."

She is the Storm | Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now