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It wasn't long before the island came into view. She sat behind me, still staring at her maps. Finally, she stood up and stepped out, calling Jin.

"Hey Lips, come here," she yelled.

Jin quickly came inside the bridge and said, "Are you really going to call me that all day?"

She shrugged and asked him if he could narrow down the area he wanted to fish from. They bent over the maps for some minutes, discussing where to anchor the boat. When Jin left, she came and took over the wheel. She told me we would be anchoring in about ten minutes and I should go get my fishing gear ready.

"You know we're not done talking, right? In fact, I'm going to stand right here and keep pestering you until you at least tell me your name," I told her.

She just rolled her eyes and tried to shoo me out, but I stood there, not moving.

"Ok, if I tell you my name, will you go away and leave me alone?" she asked.

"For now," I replied.

"Fine, my name is Rowan. Now go away," she said, in a mood again.

Finally, he left me alone. I'd never met anyone who was that annoyingly persistent about getting to know me. Usually, I made a few nasty comments and people left me alone, but my rudeness seemed to draw him in even more. I don't get it; he even told me he didn't have time for the friends he already had. Why would he want one more? Especially when I'd made it very clear I wasn't interested.

I got the boat into the position they wanted and dropped my anchor. I went out to tell them they could start fishing and then I wandered around the deck for a few minutes, putting things away and scanning the sky. I still didn't see any change in the weather, so I felt comfortable being out here for a while. I checked the radar one more time, but storm never seemed to move any closer.

Sitting on top of a bin, I watched them fish for a while. It was easy to see which ones were passionate about fishing and which one just came because he had nothing better to do. Jin and Yoongi  were experts at tying their own knots, baiting their own hooks, and casting out to the exact place they aimed for, but Jungkook had to be shown how to do everything a couple of times. There's something about the golden maknae though, he consistently pulled in bigger fish than the other two. All three were catching plenty though. Time after time, they asked me to take pictures of them with their catches.

"Do you want to try?" Jungkook asked. "Have you ever been fishing?"

"Jungcock, I live on a fishing boat. Do you really think I've never been fishing?" I said, sarcastically.

"C'mon Red, give it a go," said Yoongi, lifting up his beer.

"Red?" I raised my eyebrows.

He grinned, "You needed a nickname too. Now we all match, like one big happy family." Obviously, Yoongi is happy when drinking.

"Thanks, but no thanks," not really sure what I was refusing...the fishing or being part of the family.

It was nice watching them have a good time. They acted like the kind of family I used to daydream about having. They bickered, and teased, and laughed with each other. It was obvious they loved and trusted each other. I hoped they knew how lucky they were to have each other.

I started to feel out of place on deck watching them, so I went back to the bridge to organize a few things. When I was finished, I decided to go below to get out of their way.

"Call me if you need anything. I'll be below with the dogs," I told them, happy when they more or less ignored me.

I pulled a book off the shelf and lay down on the bed. The dogs immediately laid down, one on each side of me, crowding me and taking up most of the bed, but I wouldn't have it any other way. These boys are loyal and, unlike people, I know they'll never hurt me.

She is the Storm | Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now