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"I have two questions... what happened to your face and who's Red?" I heard Namjoon ask. I looked past Yoongi and took a good look at Jin, surprised at what I'd done to his perfect face. His eye was almost swollen shut and it was a dark purpley black. Without skipping a beat, Jin lied to Namjoon and the rest of them, saying he'd face-planted on a rock this morning. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back; he knew I hadn't really meant what I'd said and I was sorry I'd done that to his face.

Hobi's phone rang and he stepped out of the room to answer it. When he came back into the room he said, "Ok, that was the pilot. Who is this girl he's talking about?"

I started to speak up, but both Jin and Yoongi cut me off.

"She was on the island with us. She's great!"

"Is she back yet?"

"We had to leave her behind."

"No, she's not back yet. The pilot said they have to wait until morning to pick her up because it's storming again," Hobi said, glancing at me. "He said the young one was probably going to be upset again? What does that mean?"

"What do you mean they're not going to pick her up until morning?" I yelled, instantly angry and scared. "She can't stay out there all night by herself in a storm! It'll be so dark; she'll be terrified! She won't even know they aren't coming back." I started pulling on my IV tube, trying to pull it out of my wrist. If I had to go hire a different helicopter service or a boat to go get her, I would.

"What are you doing?" shouted Jimin, trying to cover up my wrist so I couldn't get to the IV needle. I pushed him away from me and pulled the tape off my wrist, but Taehyung grabbed both my arms from behind me, pulling them backwards. I couldn't get enough leverage to get away from him.

Trying to wrap the tape back around my wrist, Namjoon got in my face and yelled, "What the hell are you doing, Jungkook? Why are you getting so bent out of shape over some random stranger? Not even just a stranger, but the one who almost got the three of you killed. She's no one; definitely not worth the fit you're throwing over her." I kept fighting Tae, trying to get away from him. I started crying out of anger.

"Whoa! Just fucking no!" I heard Jin yell angrily. "You have no idea who she is and what she means to the three of us." Just hearing Jin swear made all of us stop and look over at him and Yoongi, who were both glaring at Namjoon.

"I never thought I would ever hear you say something so unfair, Joon," said Yoongi, harshly. "I'm actually ashamed of you right now. You don't know her. You have no idea what went on out there. We wouldn't have made it without her. Even though she lost everything due to our selfishness in wanting to fish when a storm was coming, she took care of us out there. She fed us. She taught us how to survive. She even stitched up Kookie when he hurt himself. Don't you dare say she's no one, you asshole! She is someone, someone very important to us. And more so to Kookie, because..."

I could tell by Yoongi's face he thought he'd said too much, so I finished for him, "because I'm in love with her."

Surprised, everyone turned to look at me and I jerked away from Tae's grip.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Sejin said as he walked in the door. "I can hear you guys all the way down the hall."

Everyone started talking to Sejin at once, except Jimin. He sat next to me on my bed and wrapped his arm around me. "I'm so sorry, Jungkookie. She must be really special if you love her," he said quietly.

I sniffed. "She is and I'm scared for her out there all alone."

"I would be too," he said, "but if she took care of you guys for weeks, don't you think she'll be ok for one night?"

"You never know what could happen out there and I didn't want her to stay by herself in the first place. I wanted to stay with her, but she made me go."

"It sounds like she cares about you a lot," he said. "What would she say if she knew you were trying to rip out your IV?"

I thought about and chuckled, "She'd probably say 'Jungcock, when did you get your medical degree. I didn't think you had that many brain cells.' And then she'd tell me to stop being a big baby."

Jimin and I laughed about that. "She calls you Jungcock?"

"Only when she's irritated with me."

I looked up at the rest of the guys, "I'm sorry. I'm just a little protective of her, I guess. I over-reacted...again. If anyone would be fine out there alone, it's her, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to worry about her."

Yoongi turned to Sejin, "Could you please go pick up Red first thing tomorrow morning from the helicopter and bring her to the young one, so he doesn't keep freaking out on us?"

I stood on the beach, watching the helicopter until it disappeared. I stood there for a few more minutes, not knowing what else to do. I turned around and was hit full force that I was alone... truly alone. It was a weird feeling. Even when I had spent a few days at the beginning by myself, I wasn't truly alone. I knew they weren't far away if I needed them.

I figured I had maybe two hours before the helicopter came back, so I decided to go to the cave to gather up the important things. When I turned to go to the path we had worn through the forest, Grandpa was right beside me, but Uncle Joe stood on the beach whining, still looking for Jungkook.

"Come on, Jojo. Don't worry; we'll see him soon." He looked one more time in the direction Jungkook had disappeared before trotting over to me.

Back at the cave, I started rolling up blankets and stacking supplies, trying to sort out what was important enough to take back with me. Emptying out the two backpacks, I started refilling one with the personal things that were important to me. In the second one, I put Jin's and Yoongi's phones, their jackets, and Yoongi's notebook.

Before I could finish packing up, I heard a familiar rumbling off in the distance. I crawled outside and looked around. The sky was darkening and every so often I could see lightning flashing. I felt my shoulders sag, knowing they wouldn't come get me during a storm. I crawled back into the cave and prayed it would just be a quick shower. I really didn't want to spend all night in a pitch black cave all by myself.

I decided to run back to the beach just in case they showed up. Grabbing up the backpacks, I took off running. However, I was still in sight of the cave when the sky opened up and by the time I made it back inside the cave, I was drenched. Great! Now I'm alone and soaking wet!

I cranked the handle on both lanterns until I was sure they were both fully charged. At least I wouldn't be in complete darkness tonight. I took off my clothes and laid them out, hoping they dried quickly.

Leaning against the wall wrapped in a blanket, I had nothing else to do and my mind wandered in circles. My aunt and uncle had been in my thoughts a lot lately. I wished I knew where they were and wondered how hard it would really be to find them. It would mean taking a trip to America, but I didn't want to leave Jungkook. He'd only been away from me for a few hours, but I missed him already.

On the other hand, I could imagine what a media storm the news of their rescue had created and I wanted no part of that. Maybe a trip to America for a little bit would keep me out of the limelight. Besides that, I was sure that Jungkook wouldn't have any time for me anyway. He'd already told me he didn't have time for friends or family, so I was sure I'd just be a big distraction for him. He would probably be so busy he wouldn't even notice my absence.

My mind made up, I pulled out Yoongi's notebook and pen, settling down to write three notes, one each for Jin, Yoongi, and Jungkook. I dashed off the first two notes quickly, but the one to Jungkook didn't come so easily. Not happy with what I'd written, I stared at the paper for a long time before realizing maybe it wasn't words he would need, but rather something to hold onto. I quickly finished writing.

Taking off my necklace for the first time in years, tears flooded my eyes as I took one last look at it before I folded Jungkook's note tightly around it. I silently begged him to understand.

She is the Storm | Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now