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Christmas was four days away and Rowan was giddy. It was the first time in her memory that she was having a proper holiday with a family who loved her and she was making the most of it.

Yesterday afternoon, she showed up at the dorm with a huge stack of white paper, eight pairs of scissors, glitter, and glue. She sat at the dining room table and started making paper snowflakes. Christmas carols played in the background and, somehow, she made the dorm smell like pine trees, orange slices, and cinnamon. It was a very cozy feeling.

I sat down next to her and picked up a pair of scissors to try to make the most fancy snowflake I could. Jin laughed at me, "JK, that's a child's project! I used to make those when I was in first grade."

I winked at Rowan and said to Jin, "I bet I can make a better one than you can, hyung."

"No way," he scoffed as he picked up a pair of scissors and sat down. I smirked at Rowan and she quietly grinned back at me, her eyes sparkling.

Tae wandered in, "Paper snowflakes?" Rowan held out a pair of scissors, offering them to him.  He smiled a big boxy smile, "Yes please, I used to make these every year with Grandma." Minutes later, I looked over to see Tae with his tongue poking out between his lips, fully concentrating on the most delicate paper snowflake I'd ever seen.

Within half an hour, all the members, except Namjoon, were cutting snowflakes and having a ball trying to outdo each other. Namjoon stood off to the side watching, using the excuse that he and scissors were not on the best of terms.

"Come here, Joonie oppa," said Rowan, patting the seat next to her, "I have a job for you." He sat down and she handed him the glue and glitter. "Here, make these pretty," she said, placing a large stack of snowflakes in front of him.

"Oh yeah, now this I can do," he said, with a very satisfied smile on his face.

Eventually, glittery paper snowflakes covered almost every surface throughout the living room, dining room, and kitchen. Unfortunately, we had to leave to record the New Year's episode of BTS Run. Rowan stayed behind to clean up the mess we'd all made.

When we returned home later, our apartment looked like a winter wonderland. Hundreds of snowflakes and fairy lights hung from the ceiling in every room. It must have taken her hours to string them up and hang them. It was so beautiful.


I was sitting on my bed with an exacto-knife, carefully cutting through the pages of a photo album I was making for Rowan for Christmas. It was slow, tedious work because I wanted this to be perfectly perfect.

"You just now started making her present?" asked Tae from the doorway. "You should have had it finished days ago. What if she comes over and catches you?"

"She's in meetings today. She's starting a foundation that provides therapy and support for people who have been sexually abused. She'll be gone all day," I told him.

"Did you have any idea how amazing she really was when you met her?"

I smiled at him, "She really is, isn't she? But when we met her, no, I had no clue. I only knew there was some invisible thing that kept pulling me to her."

He came in and flipped through the pictures of Rowan and me that I had ready to put inside the photo album. "Wow, you even have a picture of the day you met her. She'll probably kill you for putting that one in there. When are you going to give it to her?"

"Christmas Eve."

"How are you giving it to her?" he asked.

"Um, I was just going to hand it to her. Do I need to do more than that?"

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