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"I'm not doing it!" he growled at me.

I crossed my arms and scowled at him, "Shorty, get your damn clothes off...right now!"

"No, I'm not walking around naked in this cave with you here. I don't care what you say," he said, refusing to listen to me.

"Number one, you can't walk around in this cave, it's too low," I told him. "Number two, if you don't get out of those wet clothes, you'll get sick." I pointed at the others, "Look, Jin and JK took theirs off and they aren't embarrassed. Yoongi please, I don't want you to get sick."

I think the fact that I called him by his actual name caught him off guard. He stopped arguing with me long enough for me to try to make my point one more time. "Please Yoongi, we don't know how long we might be stuck here. I really don't want you to get sick. You can keep your underwear on. I can give you a blanket if you're more comfortable that way. If you want, I'll take my clothes off too, just so we're all even. We need to dry your clothes."

Jin scooted closer to him and asked, "What's the problem? You know she's right. Why do you keep arguing with her?" Yoongi leaned over and whispered something into Jin's ear. Jin closed he's eyes and shook his head, while he chuckled. "Are you serious?" Yoongi scrunched up his face and shrugged.

Jin caught Jungkook's eye and they both started laughing. "Um, someone want to let me in on the joke?" I asked, thoroughly tired of boys at the moment.

Jungkook leaned over to me and said, "He was too lazy to put on underwear this morning." He shrugged his shoulders. "It happens more than you would think."

I buried my face in my hands, frustrated, "Shorty, why didn't you just say that twenty minutes ago?"

I crawled over to the supplies, found a blanket, and threw it over him. I sat next to him, waiting for him to hand me his clothes. When he did, he said, "I'm sorry. I was just embarrassed."

"That's ok. You know, not everyone wears underwear all the time. I'm not wearing any either," I said with a wink.

"Oh really?" asked Jungkook, leaning over and trying to catch a peek down my overalls. Uncle Joe, who was between us, growled a warning at him. I laughed, shoving JK as I moved closer to Jin.

"Hey, don't think you can trust him either," said Jungkook, laughing.

"Whoa," yelled Jin, "don't throw me under the bus just because she caught you trying to be a pervert."

"Actually, I think Red's the pervert," said Yoongi with a smile, "She did offer to take off her clothes too, knowing she didn't have any panties on."

"Haha," I said, as I tried to arrange Yoongi's clothes so they would dry. "We have a little bit of wood, not much though. Should we build a fire now or later?" I automatically asked Jin...maybe because he was the oldest. The others looked to him for the answer, as well.

"I think we should wait until later," he answered, and the others nodded in agreement.

I sat against the wall and called Grandpa and Uncle Joe over to me. They laid down, one on each side of me, and we watched the storm rage outside the cave, while I ran my hands lovingly over them.

After some time, I looked away from the storm and found Jungkook looking at me. He didn't look away and, eventually, I made a face, raising my eyebrows a bit. He smiled slightly and finally looked away. I don't know why, but it gave me a warm feeling all over.

This cave was a bit of a miracle for us. It was perfectly situated, being both wide and deep. We were far enough inside that neither the rain nor the wind got to us. The storm outside was brutal.

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