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I ran after her, thinking she would be an emotional mess, but she was the exact opposite by the time I got to her. She calmly sat in the corner of our bedroom, simply staring at the floor.

I sat beside her, holding her hand, as she leaned her head against my shoulder. Tears rolled silently down her face, but she wasn't crying.

Jin and Yoongi came in and sat down with us.

"How did he find me when he's in prison? How did he find me at all? I've always been so careful." 

"What did he say?" I quietly asked her.

"He wants to see me."

"That's not going to happen," I said, vehemently, "There's no reason he should ever get to see you again. We'll get you a new phone and a new phone number. He won't be able to find you again. We'll make sure of it."

"Was that my phone I heard shattering?" she asked, looking at me. 

"Sorry, baby. I sort of lost it when I talked to him. I'll pay for a new one."

Jin spoke up, "I think JK is right. Don't go see him. He's just trying to antagonize you."

"He said he wants to apologize," she said, clearly not buying it.

"If he wanted to apologize he could have done that when you answered your phone. There's no reason he should have to see you for that," said Jin.

She looked up, "Yoongi? What do you think?"

He looked at me apologetically. "I'm sorry, guys. I have a different opinion," Yoongi answered. "Red, I know he's the monster in your nightmares. After more than five years, you still have bad dreams and panic attacks. You're still afraid of the dark because of him. You will always be afraid of him unless you face him. You don't want to spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder and hiding, do you? You wouldn't even have to talk to him. Just go in there and glare at him if you want to, but let him see he didn't break you. Show him you turned out strong and that you're not afraid of him, despite the things he did to you."

What Yoongi said made sense, but that didn't mean I wanted Rowan anywhere near that monster. I also didn't want her to be afraid for the rest of her life though either.

"But I am afraid of him," she admitted, "I know that makes me weak, but I can't help it. He did awful things to me."

"It does not make you weak. You survived it and that alone makes you strong. But it's up to you, baby," I told her, pulling her closer to me and stroking her hair. "No one is going to push you one way or the other. If you decide you want to go, I would never let you go alone. I'll be right beside you."

Jin and Yoongi looked at each other and nodded. "We'll be right beside you too, if that's what you choose to do," said Jin.

"Me too." I looked up and saw Jimin in the doorway with the others. "You know I'll support your decision either way, but what Yoongi said makes sense." He walked in and kneeled in front of Rowan, taking both of her hands in his. "Even though he hasn't been able to hurt you physically for years now, he still hurts you mentally every single day. I think by facing him you'll take away that hold he has on you and prove to yourself that he can't hurt you anymore."

"You guys would really go with me?"

"We'll all go with you," said Namjoon, coming into the room and sitting on the bed. "If you want, I'll even get the managers and staffers to go. Show him you're not alone."

She wiped her face and chuckled, "I don't think we need to go that far. I think having my love and my brothers with me would be all I ever needed."

She is the Storm | Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now