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We were so happy to see Rowan walking down the beach, hand in hand with Jungkook. We had worried so much about her while she was gone. Apparently, we didn't need to though; she knew what she was doing far more than we did. Over the next few days, she taught us some survival skills. She had us clean our cave and organize our food and the other gear we had. We raided the beached boat and got extra clothes and toiletries. Every day we had target practice with the slingshots. She was a slavedriver.

Taking aim at the tin cans on the broken tree trunk, I let the rock fly from the slingshot. Sigh. I missed again. We were competing against each other to see which of us would get to go hunting with Red this afternoon. Whoever didn't go hunting with her would spend the afternoon fishing at the beach...again. Hunting would be a nice break from our monotonous routine.

Seventeen days...that's how long we've been stuck on this island and food was running seriously low. I could see the worry in the faces of my younger members. Last night, even Red kneeled in front of the meager supply of food we had left with her arms crossed, chewing on her bottom lip. I had a feeling hunting was going to be added to our daily chores. I know I'm the oldest here, but it's definitely Red that's in charge. Right now, she was trying to make hunting feel like a game, but I knew very soon we'd be relying on it. I really didn't anticipate it taking them this long to find us.

I finished up my turn, knocking down six out of ten cans down. Not bad, but not great either. Yoongi stepped up for his turn.

"Ok, now you can watch the master at work," he joked. His first rock didn't even make it to the cans. Yoongi didn't have the arm strength that Jungkook and I had. He only knocked three cans down. He needed to start doing push-ups with JK and me every evening.

"Now you can really watch the master at work," boasted Jungkook. He let loose his rock and the first can went flying several feet back. One by one, he knocked down nine cans.His arms out wide, he bowed, looking for praise, but of course he was disappointed.

"Ha! Still not the master," chuckled Yoongi, "Red knocked down all of them before we started. You're going to have to accept that you're not the best at everything, JK."

Jungkook put his arm around Rowan's waist and pulled her to him, firmly planting a kiss on her lips. "We make a great team though, so it doesn't bother me. When do you want to get started, baby?"

"The sooner, the better," she replied, then looked over to Yoongi and me. "Can you two keep the dogs with you today? With any luck, we'll only be gone two or three hours." She strapped a sheath to her thigh and slid a knife into it.

One of the chores every day was to find suitable rocks for the slingshots, which were kept in a small drawstring backpack. Jungkook slung this over his shoulders and they walked away into the trees.

"Good luck," I yelled after them. Jungkook raised his hand in acknowledgment as they disappeared.

"Have you even seen any animals on this island?" Yoongi asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I'm going to assume she knows what she's doing. Come on; let's get back to the beach." I knew if there was anything edible on this island, she would find it.

Yoongi said, "At least she seems happy now. I notice they're getting more and more chummy."

Chummy? Is that really what he wanted to call it? From the sounds coming from under their blanket at night, I'd call it something else.

It took a bit of time before we had enough meat for dinner. Rowan had gotten a nice sized rabbit with her first shot, but my first one had taken a few tries. I think next time I'll be better at it though. There's definitely a rhythm to getting the shot right; it took me a while, but I finally found it.

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