Emo Love Advice

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aaa Sorry if I keep swapping between 'King Multiverse' and 'KM', they're the same person so whatever XD

Also I'd like to apologise for bad/no  character descriptions. I'm bad at character description, and I hate doing them. Obviously if you want to look up the skeles online, that's a better way, but tbh you guys know most/all of them anyway so- XD


"Error, the boss wants to see you."  

"Tell him I don't want to see him."

"I would, but we'd both get fired." 

Error sighed, standing up. The co-worker who'd just spoken to him was another skeleton. He was called Dust, and both he and Error hated the job, resulting in the two just spending most of the day insulting their boss behind his back. 

"You should have heard what he said earlier. Apparently the reason we didn't actually make that huge sale was because the IT department weren't doing their job, that the computer froze or something- Oh, that's probably what he wants to talk to you about." Dust said, walking down a long hall with Error.

"Yeah, except: One, the server never crashed or froze, two, I'm not even in charge of the IT department," Error said, "It's not my fault he can't make a sale. I wouldn't want to trade with him, that's for sure."

Stepping into the office, Error saw his boss slouched in his chair, playing some sort of game on his phone.

"Um... Sir?" 

He jumped. "Error! What are you doing here?" He dropped the phone and quickly sat up. While he insisted on being called 'sir' out of respect, Error believed that the only ones who needed to be respected here were the people he employed. The boss didn't even do any work to get this, he inherited it from his parents. Error did not like this man one bit.

"You asked for me to come see you?" 

The boss though for a second. "Ah, yes! I did! Come over here!"

Error obeyed, walking up to the desk. 

"Look at this." He said, pushing his computer monitor around so that Error could see the screen. He scanned it quickly then looked at his boss. 

"Uh...Okay? And you want me to do what?" Error asked. The screen showed many more complaints like the one he'd dealt with last night: problems with the company's technology. 

"Well you're the one from IT, you explain why we're having problems!" He snapped at Error.

"Firstly, I'm not even in charge of IT... secondly, everything we try, you reject... We could easily have sorted this out months ago." Error wanted to slap his boss, but refrained from doing so for the sake of keeping his job.

"Well I need you to stay late today, you have to sort this out." 

Error sighed. "Whatever."


"Who are you texting?" Cross poked his head over Ink's shoulder. The colourful skeleton jumped and pressed his phone to his chest, blocking the screen so that Cross couldn't see it.

"Oh, just Dream." Ink said, standing up and making an attempt to walk away. However, Cross put an arm out, blocking his way.

"Was it that dark skeleton of yours? What was his name?" Cross smirked.

"No, it was not him. And I'm not telling you his name, why do you even care?" Ink rolled his eyes, trying to pull off his best 'I'm not lying' face.

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