Drunken Latino Meltdown

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Made a typo on 'Perfectly Ordinary Library'. Four's diary entries from there were not written in 1804, they were written in 1806. My bad :)


"Can we have this, too?"

"We don't need that, Ink. We already have chocolate in the cart."

"But this is caramel and chocolate!"

"We have caramel and chocolate cookies thanks to you, too."

Ink pouted at Error, waving the caramel chocolate bar in the air. "But Error..."

Error groaned, stepping aside to let Ink put it into the cart he'd been guarding from him.

"Yay! Thanks, baby!" He smiled and made his way down the aisle without so much as a hint as to where he was going.

"Uh, hello?" Error almost laughed.

"Hm?" He turned around, cocking his head to the side as he smiled.

"Where are you going now?" Error asked.

"To get soda! I'll grab the popcorn while I'm gone!" His sweet smile prevented Error from arguing further, but he sighed and tried to remember what it was he'd wanted to actually buy.

A few minutes later, as Error was just putting milk into the cart, Ink came running back, a multipack of Coke and two massive bags of popcorn in his arms. He dumped them in and looked at Error, who was staring with wide eyes. "I didn't know whether you preferred Coke or Pepsi, so I got Coke."

"I can see that," Error muttered.

"Right, what else?"

"I need ingredients to make dinner, and-"

"We should get candy."

"Ink, I-"


"We really don't need any more sugar..."


"No." Error insisted sharply, "We don't need it. You'll only feel like shit after you eat it, anyway." He walked off down the aisle with the cart, and Ink chased after him. 

"Since when were you the fun police?" Ink pouted. 

"I haven't got infinite money, and I-"

"I'm paying for the sugary stuff, Error! I told you that!"

"Did you?"


"Oh. Still, that's not why I-"

"Error, you know we haven't had dinner yet, right?"

"Yes, thank you, I already said that I was going to buy-"

"It's almost nine PM."

"I know."

"We should just get McDonald's on the way home."



"Because I don't want to." Error replied shortly.

"Then what are you making?"

"I'm not entirely sure yet..." Error paused, thinking.

"KFC?" Ink suggested. 

"I was gonna cook..."

"You can cook tomorrow."

"Well, we gotta go home first, I'm not dragging all these groceries to KFC."

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