Hospitals Are Fun!

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Four stood and waited. He couldn't hear anything now, but they were somewhere around here... After a few seconds, he heard a scream, which seemed to be cut short as if someone else had silenced them. Four sprinted down another street, trying to locate the source of the sound. There was another yell of pain, but it was quieter this time. He hadn't gotten further away, the person was just quieter. He got to what he thought was a dead end, so he turned back around. But then he heard a familiar voice behind him, so he looked back. Upon closer inspection, there was in fact a narrow passage that the darkness had not allowed him to see the first time. He approached it slowly. What he saw on the other side made him feel so many things at one time: anger, worriedness and horror to name a few.

Alpha had Error pinned to the floor with one hand, the other was raised above him with a sharp-pointed bone, aimed directly at Error's soul. Four reacted faster than he could think, charging forwards and crashing into Alpha, tackling him to the floor milliseconds before the bone could do the damage. Alpha yelled in surprise, kicking Four off of himself. Four stood up first, Alpha quickly following and went to lash out, but Four caught the attacker's fist in his own. Looking up, Alpha noticed who it was. "Four?" He hissed, pulling his hand away.

"What did you do?" Four kept his voice low, but it was full of hostility and Alpha took note of this, stepping back. 

"You told me to prove myself, so I did."

Four took a shaky breath, stuffing his hands in his pockets to avoid lashing out at the other. He'd deal with him later, right now his priority was Error. "All you've proved to me tonight is that you're irresponsible and a general idiot. I suggest you get out of my sight, for all three of us' sakes." He nodded at Error's inanimate form.

Alpha gave him a bitter look, but it was nothing compared to the furious glare he gave Error. He, again, glanced at Four, who's response was certainly telling him to go. His expression was mostly calm(or trying to be, at least), yet his eyes showed a fiery fury which he'd certainly unleash on him later. Knowing what would happen if he didn't leave, he sprinted off, back through the narrow passage Four had arrived through. 

Four crouched down beside Error, visually assessing the skeleton's injuries. It only took him about three seconds of observation for him to decide that he needed to get him to a hospital immediately. He'd be dead before an ambulance could arrive, so he had no other choice, he'd have to take him there himself. He was afraid he'd hurt the frail skeleton further, so he scooped him up as gently as possible. As Four stood up Error opened his eyes, but whether or not he could tell who was holding him, Four didn't know. "Hey, Error? Can you hear me?" Obviously he got no response, or anything at all from Error. Well, apart from the fact that his eyes were sliding closed... 

"Wait, Error, don't pass out! Don't pass out, okay? I need you to be conscious!" Four panicked. The injured skeleton was trying to stay awake, he could see that. But he couldn't, and went completely limp in Four's arms, his eyes sliding closed. "No! No, no, no, you look dead right now, please don't be dead! I swear I'm going to kill you if you've just gone and died on me!" He knew teleporting was risky with someone so severely injured, but if he didn't (and if he wasn't already dead) he'd die anyway, so he took a deep breath and clicked his fingers, closing his eyes. 

He opened them again. Well, they were outside the hospital, and Error looked... well, the same, so he took it as a good sign. He walked into the hospital.x

Casually walking into a hospital.

With a possibly dead person in his arms.

A few seconds after he entered, a doctor came running over. He looked from Four to Error, clearly stunned. He cleared his throat and called down the hallway, "I need some help here!" A few more doctors came running over.

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