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Before we get to the chapter I'd just like to quickly thank SaurexHAS for writing Geno's dialogue for the Afterdeath argument coming up in this chapter. I had a much longer, very repetitive version of the argument, but I hated it so Kat helped me fix it and now I love it. So thanks so much to Kat!

Kat is writing several stories, my favourite of which being 'Daemons', a multiship Undertale AU book. Ships include Afterdeath, Crossmare, Errink, Kréme, Dustberry, Horrorlust and Scifell. The concept is really cool: Nightmare, Reaper, Error, Dust, Killer, Horror and Fell are 'daemons', which essentially means they've got an animal form they can transform into. However they're being hunted by 'hunters' and they also have soulmates, which happen to be a bunch of college students: Geno, Cross, Ink, Dream, Blue, Lust, and Sci. I love the book so if you enjoy THIS book, you'd really like Daemons too and I definitely think you should read it. My upload schedule is so bad that this book would definitely give you something to read while you wait for my chapters hA-

Sorry for the long ad but I don't understand how I have more followers than her so I want all of you to go see her book, follow her and show her the love she deserves, cuz this chapter wouldn't even be out without her. 

Love ya Kat! <3

On with the chapter!


The first thing Error did when he got home was curl up in a ball on the sofa.

Shutting out the negative thoughts that plagued his mind was now clearly an impossible task, so he decided he'd lie on the sofa and let them consume him. It sounded more poetic than it looked.

Cocooned in a blanket with his eyes shut tight, Error wasn't sure how long he'd been there or whether anyone had tried messaging him, as he'd put his phone on silent. 

The answers were forty-nine minutes, and yes, multiple people.

Most people would take this as a sign that clearly read 'leave me alone'. But not everyone, Error figured as he heard a pounding on his door.

At first, he tried to ignore it, but it got more and more fierce, to the point where he accepted it wasn't going to go away. Though he now stood up to answer it, he was stopped by a figure in the hall.

"Jesus, Four!" Error jumped back, gasping.

"Well, I had to teleport in."

"Or you could have waited for me to let you in, like I was going to do."

"Sure you were."

"What do you want?" Error sighed. 

Four reached into his pocket and produced an envelope, holding it out for Error to take. "Five thousand. Would have been more convenient for you if I could put it in your account instead, but I still need to work that one out, since I don't have a bank account."

"I don't want it." Error grumbled, turning away and walking back into the living room.

"I don't care, take it." Four followed.

"And what if I don't?"

"Then I'll put it here," The taller skeleton dropped the envelope onto the sofa next to Error, "And you can decide when you're going to take it."

"I won't."

"You'll have to. You need the money."

"I don't want your money," Error hissed, standing up once again, "I don't want anyone's money, or anyone's help, or anyone's concern, or-"

Creation Begins with an I, Destruction Begins with an E (Undertale Errink Book)Where stories live. Discover now