Chapter 27 ll Chris is going on inside my head.

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Zoey's POV





And that's only a revised, condensed version of the list of how I'm feeling for the past few days.

It just feels so weird, for me to be in a relationship for the first time.

Uh huh, this is my first time playing as a girlfriend of someone.

For at least 4 years, I've been dreaming for a day when I would meet a guy that likes me and we would fall in love hopelessly.

My parents' divorce kind of changed my whole outlook on relationships. I became more solitary when it comes to the opposite gender, yet, deep down, there's a part of me that still yearns for boys' attention or care. It's like, a natural inclination instilled in me.

The thought of being someone's girlfriend is very much foreign to me, as much as it is to Chris, I guess. Genesis told me he doesn't date, Chris even said so himself.

I smile foolishly to myself as I lie on Genesis' bed.

"You're smiling."

"Uh huh."

"In a very creepy way."

"Whatever you say, darling."

"Wow, even endearments."


"What is going on inside your head?"

I grin knowingly. Chris. Chris is going on inside my head.

"Can I tell you something?" I practically push myself off the bed and hop to Genesis who is sitting at her study table.


"Chris and I... " I try to make a face to get her to finish my sentence.

"Chris and you what?"

"Try guessing."

"Just tell me."

Fine then. "We are in a relationship!"


"Relationship. You know, when two people like each other, so they get together and do stuffs together."

"I know that, but like, how?"

"How? What do you mean? He asked me out."

"He asked you?" Genesis asks in disbelief. Is this supposed to be very shocking?

"Uh yes. Why are you so surprised?"

"It... it just caught me off guard. I mean, I know you two are getting along well and all, but a relationship? You do remember the time when I talked to you about Chris, right? From what I know, he doesn't date. Now, if he is the one that asks you out, it definitely means that you mean a lot to him."

Before I can speak, she continues.

"I can see that you enjoy spending time with him, but, please, don't get too attached to him. After all, you know about his so-called bad boy notoriety."

"Notoriety? Genesis, you see, that's what I don't get it. You guys told me that he and the rest of the boys have this so-called reputation, or notoriety as you called it, but never have I seen him doing anything that is bad or diabolical in any sorts."

"I wouldn't say, 'diabolical', but Chris used to get into brawls with people. Most of the people, even Jacob was intimidated by him."


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