8: Welcome Home

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To: Trunks

Subject: It's fine

Trunks, It's fine. Don't worry about it. I hope everything is alright there. Let me know if you need anything. Hope to hear from you soon. -Mai

-text messages, sent from Mai.


Trunks read the last text message he received six months ago. He carved a smile.

He wanted reply to her text, but he stopped when Bulla came into his room.

"Mai worried about you. Just want to let you know that" She said.

"Did she know where I am?"

"Ahh. She came last month. Mom said you went to fight some aliens. " Then Bulla left the room.

Trunks started to press his fingers to the keypad and texting Mai. He admitted, he always thinks of her and he's so grateful to be alive after went through a hellish fight. He was glad that everyone was safe too. His fight combination with his father had improved and finally acknowledged Trunks ability.

Trunks thought Mai must be worried about him. He should have texted her sooner and explain what exactly happened.

Suddenly he remembered what she said to Bulma--that they are just friend. For some reason, he wished it wasn't true. He wished she said that they're in some kind of relationship, a romantic relationship. But why would I want that? He asked himself.

He shook his head.

What am I thinking? Mai and I ARE just friends. Why would I seek such a relationship? What is my brain thinking?

Or was it my heart telling?


He looked at his cellphone. He stared at it but he didn't see his family's wallpaper, he saw Mai's face smiling at him. He shook again his head.

I think I've gotten crazy in the Room of Spirit and Time, he thought while pressing his keypad.

To: Mai

Subject: I'm back

I'm sorry I didn't tell you what happened because I don't want to make you worry. But I guess you knew already. I'm back now. We won the fight and everyone is fine. -Trunks

-text message, sent from Trunks


Vegeta changed into a tank top and a sweat pants.

He rubbed his face with a clean towel when he went out of the shower. Bulma went close to him and hugged him from behind. Vegeta startled and shortly he's body became stiff.

Bulma's hand groping all over Vegeta's chest, slowly, reaching down to his belly while sniffing his back.

"Vegeta..." She called him in seducing voice. Vegeta was speechless with his wife's action, he felt uneasy with her behavior yet he didn't do anything about it except he let her slides her hands wildly.

"Aren't you feel lonely for the past six months?" She asked him.

"N-not r-really" He stuttered, glanced his eyes to the side.

"Well, I am lonely. To be left six months alone" She said, continue seducing her husband. When Bulma's did that, Vegeta was anxious. His heart started throbbing so hard. Could it be, Bulma wants...

"Neh, Vegeta..." She moved in front of him, poking her tiny finger on his hard chest for few times and then she lifted her right tight, rubbing against Vegeta's. She bit her lower lips, making an innocent face to him, and that's when his sweat started to roll down to his cheek, his face turned red. It feels like hot in here even he just had a shower.

He gulped.

"B-Bulma. D-do you want..." He couldn't finish his sentence as he was too shy to say it. Bulma nodded slowly, understand what her husband trying to ask. Vegeta took a deep breath. He lifts up Bulma.

Bulma curled her arms around Vegeta's neck and then Vegeta walking across the room, he released her slowly on their bed.

Bulma intentionally wearing her see-through black dress again. She gestured her finger for Vegeta come to her. Vegeta went on top of her and that's when Bulma took off his top.

"Do you want to make a third child?" Bulma asked, then giggle to him. But Vegeta rather making a serious face, looking into her eyes, and start lowering his body to close to her's. He placed his lips gently on her's and then they kissed. As Bulma put her arm up to touch his neck, he seemed frail, underweight, vulnerable. And yet also, a little bossy.

When Vegeta remembered that Goku had never been kissing, he has no idea how's that possible. Even him, can't resist when he's caught up with this mood.

"Might be a good idea. " He said softly.

This time, Bulma had locked the door.

Not A Typical Family: Vegeta FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora