13: Cabba's Diary #1

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I finally met Master Vegeta and he agreed to let me stay with him for a few days. King Sadala had ordered me to observe master in close and see how much I can learn from him.

I decided that I want to follow his path. 

Therefore, I'm documenting every detail that he did as I was training under him.

When I came to Earth, the environments looks nothing that I imagined. The people here wore very different clothes from ours. Their houses and interior were impressive. And I was amazed by his house that was so huge like a mansion. He even has his own chamber for training. Just expected from master Vegeta, he indeed a man with a class.

Little that I know, master has two children. Their names are Trunks and Bulla, and both have his look's but they had his wife's hair. I also did not expect that master has a very beautiful wife and I was more shocked when I found out she built the gravity room for him as well as his heavy armor. Man, he was so lucky. He was blessed with his life. If I can summarize how wonderful his life:

He is the Saiyan Prince.

He is very strong.

He has a huge house.

He has a talented wife and beautiful too.

He has two cute kids.

Master Vegeta's life is the goal. 

When master showed me around his gravity chambers, he started to press a button and resulted the light switched on. The room produced noises and my body started to feel heavy. It became heavier per minutes until my body was pinned on the ground. My chest stomping against the floor and it was so hurtful. Meanwhile, I saw master was still standing, steadily in his place, crossed his arms and looking down at me. Like it has no effect on him. What is happening? Why I was pulled by the ground? It's like it has a strong magnetic force and it makes my body can't move. 

Then I realized, I was in a gravity chamber. So it means, the force that I've experienced it right now, is a different gravity from outside of the capsule.

Master pushed again the button and that's when my body became light. I gasped for air and rubbed my chest. 

"What you experienced just now is when the gravity 50 times heavier from the Earth and Sadala" He said in a calm tone. I was amazed by his coolness-no-expression face, like it was nothing. 5o times heavier from Planet Sadala? That's insane. 

I stood up and I had the feeling we will sparing in this capsule. I was anxious. If the 50 times heavy gravity has no effect on him, I guess he must use to train in this condition. I have no other feeling than respect at him right now.

"You must be training in this condition every day, master. " I said in a tone of compliment, but he smirked.

"Don't be silly! Not at this condition" He said while walking over the counter. I nodded. 50 times gravity must be too much. Maybe he was just showing me how this chamber can work. But still, it was very impressive.

"I train with 400 times heavy gravity." He said and my body instantly was pulled down and smashing hard on the ground. I felt nothing besides my heart was still beating fast. I think nothing except if my life would come to an end anytime. 

Master smirked again. Then he pushed the button.

I cried when the agony ended. 

He kneeled down and looked at my face. He gave me this deadly stared and smirked again.

"Don't worry. I will not let you die. You have my word" He said. I nodded slowly in the feeling of mixed. Though the feeling is most likely to be scared. 

"Otherwise, Champa would kill me. Not that I can't take him down. But, who knows if he will destroy the Earth. I can't let that happen. " He continued.

I was speechless but here I am, kneeling on the ground in his gravity chamber, Re-evaluate my decisions again. 


We were nine hours in the chamber with 30 times gravity. What mostly I did is just normal work out like push up, with one hand, and all of my body parts must be lifted upward. He said that I need to get used to this environment before I could move around in it. I accepted his challenge. I only did 30 push-ups but my body was sore, this torment had made me turn into Super Saiyan. Then, there is only 970 push up left to do with no break and food or water to consume. Master gave me a compliment for thinking out of the box, activating the Super Saiyan. Those are the limit that I'm breaking. And I have my confidence back to get through of this hell.

Yes. This chamber is a hell and he was the demon king.

I clung my hand to his leg as I have no energy left to walk out the room and I understand if he doesn't want to lift a weakling like me. He dragged me all the way to the living room where there are Bulma-san and some people that I don't recognize but I can't move my half-dead body to look over the faces. I heard Goku-san's voice and he gave me a bean for me to eat. Suddenly, I have my energy back. I felt fresh and alive. Everyone was looked at me and smiled.

"Isn't that a bit too far Vegeta?" Said Bulma san. 

"You could at least lift him up" She mad at him. Master only remain silent at the corner of the living room. I kneeling down to them and thanked them who has help me. Suddenly I remember that I need to take a leak so I asked her for a bathroom but instead, she showed me my own bedroom. 

After I took a shower and changed to a pair of Earth clothes that she gave me, I went straight to the dining room. There was a huge feast of food on the table. My eyes about to pop out seeing the foods as well as I saw master and Goku-san already devouring the food. Bulma-san had prepared this for him every night too? 

"Oi Cabba. Sit and eat. Take a good night rest tonight. You'll be needed it tomorrow" Master Vegeta said to me. I was happy and felt my shoulder was light again. 

I'm happy the day was ended. 

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