14: Cabba Diary's #2

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My mission today is to record Master Vegeta daily routines.

I woke up at 5.30 AM and start to get ready right away. Master asked me to wake up at six sharp, but I planned to get ready before six to impress him but little that I know, master knocked my door before six and he was ready in his blue tank top and jogging pants. 

So, what time did he woke up?

"Depends. Sometimes I woke up at three or five. To get the baby, y'know. " He said. I jotted down the details of the time he woke up and his fatherhood in my mind.

3/5/before 6 - Wake-up time 

What we did early in the morning is to jog around the Earth. Master was so fast, I couldn't keep up with him but I managed to finish the laps. We did some work out together on the mountain behind his house. Nothing much, just a 'light' exercise according to him. 

When the sun arose, we stopped and fly back to his house. That's when the time to get breakfast.

I look at the wall clock in his kitchen. 

8.00 AM- Breakfast 

All of his family were in the dining room, including Bulma-san's parents. I found out her father is a scientist too named Dr. Brief and her mother is just a housewife. They don't have any maid and mostly the house chores were taken cared by Mrs. Brief. 

After breakfast, the family was still in the dining room, spending time together. Trunks were still doing his homework before he went to school. Mrs. Brief was washing the dishes, Dr. Brief was reading a newspaper meanwhile, Bulma-san was playing with baby Bulla who was on her arms and master were just smiling at them. And I felt like I was no in a good position in this happy family picture. I felt awkward but still, I don't know anywhere to go.

8.30 AM- Spent time with family.

At nine sharp, master ordered me to follow him to the gravity chamber for training. So, here it goes, I'm entering his little hell again.

9.00 AM- Strat training

Today, I had set my mind to face this training with enthusiasm. We started at low - 10 times gravity. I moved around the room. It was lighter until he set it up to 20 times. I still can jump up and down. He was impressed so he set it up to 30 times, where I left yesterday. To my surprise, my body can bear this heaviness that I experienced yesterday. I can move around freely. Master punched me but I managed to avoid. I kicked the air and jumped. He smirked. He said the nine hours I've been spending last night has resulted in this. He admitted that I kept up this fast. I flashed a grin in proud.

But I forgot that I was in his hell. The happiness that I felt for a moment utterly crushed, when he set the room to 50 times gravity. I fell down and my body was glued against the floor. He grabbed my hairs and pulled my head up, facing him. He said, don't easily to celebrate a mere accomplishment. His words stroke me. He ordered me to get up while he was talking harshly about how pitiful my being. He made me annoyed. I was fucking hated him for a moment. In order for him to shut his mouth, I kneeled on the ground while my both arms pushing my body upward. Again. No words can describe my agony.

I yelled. He smirked.

I shouted and started to change into Super Saiyan. I was standing straight on both feet. He gave me that evil-looking stared. Maybe he was pissed when I asked him to shut the fuck up. 

"Good." He said short. I was surprised he didn't punch me for saying those words.

Then he posed like he was about to start a fight. I did the same. In flash, we had a spar.

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