Hogwarts AU Virgil X Reader P1

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This chapter is long, your welcome


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I ran up to my parents in tears, I didn't know why but I knew something was wrong with me. I needed help or something, I don't know what was wrong with me but I didn't feel right at all. My head was aching from so many tears, my throat and eyes were burning bright red.

My parents took me to my bedroom and had me sit down, they started talking to me "We- um.. Wanted to protect you" My dad speaks to me "We had hidden your powers away for so long in fear that he who shall not be named or.. Some of the others- May intend harm on you" My mother explained to me.

"What- powers?" I groaned "I'm serious" My mother gives me a deadpan expression, was she really? I looked over to dad who nodded his head "Well, what do you mean powers?" My mother let out a loose tear and handed me a letter.

It had my name, address, and a stamp on the back. I stared at the stamp for a while, the red wax was still a bit warm and not fully cooled yet. I tore the paper and looked at the piece of parchment which fell out.. A red chatterbox appeared, floating in thin air!

"Dear Y/n's guardians or parents, I suggest you leave the room." The note started, my parents did so. Then the note  continued. 

"Now, Y/n. I have reason to believe that you were mean to be here, but your parents may of kept your powers hidden? I'd like you to help them become uncovered once again, I'd like you to attend our famous school. At Hogwarts; school of witchcraft and wizardry" The note read out loud to me. "Go to King's cross train station on the first of September 11 AM sharp. You can find an enclosed list of necessities that you'll be needing at school, we await your owl no longer than the 31st of July. Your's sincerely, Professor/ Doctor Emile Picani, Deupty Headmaster" 

The note closed and I fell backwards onto the floor, my parents rushed back in with bags and everything that seemed to of been needed "Is that an owl?" I pointed at a bird which was inside a rounded cage, screaming violently at me. "Is it okay?" I asked again. "It is your very own owl, and yes.. he is okay, just likes to be loud" Mom smiled.

"Can I name him Owlie?" I looked up at them, I know the name Owlie was a bit childish but it bought back old memories of the owl that used to travel to our house in the earlier stages of my life that we thought was my deceased grandpa. I loved him.

My Dad nodded while my Mom was just focusing on getting my stuff together "There's a new family moving in, maybe you can go talk to them while I get your stuff ready" Mom suggested, I nodded my head. "You see, I do want to do that- But i'm not great with socializing-" I try to explain when I'm cut off.

"It'll be alright, stop being paranoid" I nodded "Oh, okay then. Thanks for the help" I leave and let my eyes wander. I felt horrible, like I do normally, but more tired than usual. I saw the new family and just stood in my driveway.

I looked to the ground and twiddled my thumbs "we can be come friends.. No- I'm not good with talking. I can- I can.. I can go back to sleep in the shed again..?" I talked to myself while contemplating whether or not to go be social or to do what I felt comfortable with and to leave.

I didn't get an exact choice in the manor however..

"Hi!" A boy comes out and waves to me, I look up from what I'm doing. I point to myself "you talking to me?" I mouth and he nods his head "Hi?" I smile and hope he goes away. The boy walks over to me "H-hi" I say shyly "Sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable. You just seemed really cool! I'm Patton, I moved here with my four brothers!" He smiles at me happily.

-SANDER SIDES- X Reader ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now