Chapter 42- Reunited

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'It's about time I found a school to go to' I thought to myself confidently.
Like mom said, I have to get out there and do shit to reach this 'fate' or whatever.

Turned the keys to the ignition as the car began to hum.

I glanced at the page in my sketchbook with a map I made in it.
I silently close it.

'I don't need that'

I lifted my hand from the steering wheel, and placed it over my heart.
Gripping the fabric of the hoodie over it.

"All I need

is to follow my heart."

I drove around in the van for a while and I found a street.

Walking from it was other high schoolers.

'I found one' I thought satisfied.

I parked somewhere and locked the door. Also while making sure no one saw me.

I waltzed into the almost empty high school. The look was almost nostalgic, to be back in school.

After wandering aimlessly for several minutes, I finally found the principal's office.

"What are you here for?" She asks, adjusting her glasses.
I could feel myself sweating a bit, but I kept my cool.

I remained in my neutral state and my monotone voice, "I'm a transfer student from Horikoshi High"
'That's a real school... i think'

Hopefully it would be believable enough.

After a few minutes of silence, I finally see her nod.
She then brings out some paperwork, telling me to read and sign some of it.

Then she looks me in the eye and says,
"You need a guardian to sign this part."

'This is bad. If I tell her they're dead, she'll ask for other family members.
I don't know any'

I open my mouth to speak, hoping my word would be enough I say
"They're our of town at the moment."

She was leaving me silence again for the next 5 minutes that felt like an hour.

"Have them sign these once they get back" she says finally.

"Tomorrow you'll be starting class."
"Now hurry along, there is another transfer after you."

I nod, and begin to walk out the door.
I open it to see a red-haired boy. He had a noodle of hair sticking out, while the rest of the hair was combed to the back.
At first glance he looked kind but..

When I looked again, something was wrong.
I feel shiver down my spine.

'Something in his eyes'

'I don't like'

I got out of the school. Feeling the soft push of the wind once again.

This was all fine and good but...

I need to buy a school uniform.

I sighed. The fall breeze swept across my shoulder.
"How am I supposed to get the money for that.."

I heard someone shuffling towards me steadily.

I lifted my head to see the old woman who had given me the pack of bananas the other week.

"Oh,Hello" I say greeting her.

She doesn't respond. All she does is take my hand, put something in it, then began walking away.

I looked down to see what she gave me.

My eyes widen at the sight.


"Hey, wait I can't accept this-

"Nonsense." She answered. "An old lady like me wouldn't need it anyway."


She pats my shoulder and finally leaves.

She must have seen me come from the school, so-

"Thank you" I called out hoping she would be able to hear it.

-Next Day-

I was able to buy the uniform, which I had quickly slipped myself into.
I grabbed a random banana from the pack, and set off.

I began walking there leisurely, while chewing away at the fruit.
I kept my one hand in my pocket one holding the banana, and kept my eyes to the floor.

I grunted, as I began to hear loud girls up ahead. Them screaming their high pitched screams, while I growled in anguish.

They were walking so slow I had already caught up to them, now they were even louder than before.
I didn't care to pay attention to what exactly they were saying. I just tuned it all out.

I noticed I'd finished the banana, and threw it into a nearby trash can.

Suddenly a shout hit me so hard I could almost feel it knock hard against my skull.


My eyes darted from the pavement to the person with a bleeding ankle, about to tumble down the stairs.
My orbs widen in sudden adrenaline and fear.

I ran forward with little thought, pushing the girls out of my way.
And began sprinting down the steps.

"Rush Hour!" I called as he appeared over my shoulder.

I threw his card at a nearby branch, making part of it hang out, in hopes that he could reach it.

I raised my fist, then pointed towards the side of the end of the stairs. The wind quickening behind me, blowing piles of leaves towards that area.

I then jumped from where I was on the stairs, landing on one knee. Catching my breath.

I looked back to check if he was ok.

Like I thought, he landed in the pile of leaves, which cushioned the fall.

We met eyes, and I immediately looked away.

I covered my mouth a bit, trying to not show the stupid grin I had on.

...I'm glad I was able to see him again.

「Fallen Stars」☆ -Jotaro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now