Chapter 10

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When Alex woke up and got down the stairs. Nobody realised he was down ,since he is a very silent mover, until he mumbled a good morning. "What do you want to eat?" Wolf asked. Alex shook his head, mumbled something about no appetite and he placed his duffle bag and laptop bag at the door. They moved off for Breacons a while later.

K-unit changed and walked to the sergeant's office. Wolf knocked and heard a'enter' before going in with k-unit. They all stood at attention. "At ease soldiers." The sarge said,"your code name would be cub."

"Yes sir." Alex said.

K-unit walked out and walked to the mess hall. Dinner! K-unit was eating when L-unit's leopard walked towards their table. Uh oh. "Hey kid! What are you doing here?"

Alex didn't respond him. "When I'm talking to you, look at me, you worthless rich brat." Leopard said and he punched alex. No one saw him move. The next thing they see is leopard has his face in Alex's dinner. Alex shoved his hands into his pocket and left. The sarge saw what happened. He looked pleased. Finally, someone did that! Leopard is always arrogant and thinks he is the best when his assault course time is one of the worse. Sarge decide to make the experience worse. "Leopard! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Sarge shouted. Leopard scrambled to attention. "I I... That kid started it."

"That kid is cub. And you got beaten by a kid? 1 week of kitchen duty with your unit!"

"Yes sir!" Sarge walked away, pleased. "Tell that brat he is doomed." Leopard growled to k-unit and he walked away.

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