Chapter 14

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K-unit reported the recorded audio to the sargeant. He fired them immediately. Alex was discharged from the infirmary a while later. Most of Alex's wounds healed beautifully. Only the sniped is not completely healed.

The door was knocked and sarge let who ever out there in. K-unit was about to leave. Alex did not attend that meeting. Alex walked in and stood at attention. "At ease. Why are you dressed like this?"

Alex was wearing a black buttoned shirt that is not done up with a white singlet inside, black combat pants and black combat boots. He had a few earrings on each ear. He looked like a total punk. "MI6 contacted and gave me a mission. I have to leave in 10."

"Why didn't they tell me that?"

"They want me to tell you at the last minute."

"... What is the mission about that you have to dress like this?"

K-unit stood there, wanting to know the details. "I have to pretend be a druggie and some rebel schoolboy. I need to gather some information and then have to figure a way to bring down the drug syndicate." Sarge does not look please. "Okay. Dismissed." K-unit accompanied alex out to the chopper.

Alex completed the operation successfully in a week. Drug syndicate busted in a week when the kid spy does it but when an adult spy, it takes months. Although when an adult spy does it, they usually come out with no injuries but when the kid spy does it, he comes out with quite a few injuries. Nothing too serious, same as usual. K-unit was called to the office. "At ease soldiers... MI6 sent me a note saying that Brookland's year 10 is coming to SAS to train for 2 months. MI6 say the government insist that they are to come for educational purposes." Alex raised an eyebrow, looking incredulous. "All of Brookland's year 10?"



"Two hours from now."

Alex nodded slightly then they all left when dismissed. Once outside, Alex's phone rang. A barbie song in a girly boy's voice. "Hello."

"Alex!!! Quick!!! Save yourself!!" Tom screamed through the phone. Alex put the phone on speaker. He blinked once. "Hello? Are you there?! " Tom questioned. "Yes."

"We're gonna be there in two hours! You should hide or go on a mission or something!!"

"Too late. I have already have a plan."

"What plan?"

"If the whole level of yr 10 is here, and the boys- who hates me- are here..." Alex stopped, letting Tom try figure it out himself. There was silence. "OHHHHH!!! You guys can torture them like shit, man! You're so smart, Sherlock!"

"Or else why would you call me Sherlock?"

"No shit man. Hey then what about us?"

"I suppose we can make you guys an exception. "

"YASSSS!! I'm gonna think of some awesome pranks. Bye. Gotta fly!"

"You aren't a fairy from the fairy secret."

"I'm a barbie girl! In a barbie world! Life's fantas-"

"Ok, ok, bye."

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