Chapter 8

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I stare at the door, waiting for Ise to return. If this is some joke he needs to quit it, it's annoying. I sign as I pull my legs closer to me chest. I feel weird and everything is painful. I feel like I'm stuck in a pit and it sucks. The door suddenly creaks open to reveal a extremely happy looking Ise.

"Kitten, I got you your presents!" He walks over, a butler trailing behind pushing a cart.

"Let me go." Is all I say. I don't care about presents, I just don't want to be bound down with stupid chains.

"Hmm, why won't you understand, you're not going anywhere Kitten. Now, about those presents." He claps his hands and the butler pushes the cart infront of me. I grunt and turn my head the other way.

Suddenly a hand wraps around my chin and forces me to look at the owner of that hand.

"Fuck you." I mumble, almost way too quietly.

"Maybe." He smirks causing me to become a tomato. "Anyway, open your gift, I think you'll like it~". I glare before uncurling form my ball. I slowly turn my head towards the cart and when the butler lifts the cover, my face pales. I'm sure the I've turned into a ghost. My body starts to tremble and I slowly start to build my scream.

"N-no, no no no no!!!!" I grab my head and squeeze into my ball of comfort. "N-no." I let tears start to run down my face, creating rivers against the pale cheeks.

"Do you like it?" He smiles. I glare at him and stand up, my legs almost giving out of it wasn't for his arms holding me up.

"Fuck you." I spit in his face before slapping him across the face. Bitch slap. He stumbles back causing me to collapse onto the floor.

"Now why did you do that?" His voice starts to hold more venom.

"Fuck you." Is all I can let out. The tears return and immediately I start screaming and sobbing. I might've hated them but still. No one deserves to be killed and set up like a main course. The image flashes through my mind. Their hollow eyes starting blankly at me. Their mouths open and colorless. Their cheeks caved in, the blood surrounding them. He killed them?! He killed my...

My... family.

I hated them, sure but still! Why? Why? Why!?

"They hurt you." Ise states blankly. I snap my head towards him, standing at the doorframe. A smile, no more of a smirk takes form on his face.

"So- so it's mY fAuLt?! If I didn't get hurt they wouldn't have died? Is tHaT wHaT YoU'rE sAYinG?!"

He suddenly looks taken aback. Before I know it I'm pulled into an embrace, one I can't get out of. My body feels too weak right now. I can't fight back no matter how hard I try.

"Yes, you're right (y/n), it is your fault. So don't let anyone get close to you except me, okay? Cause if they do... I'll kill them."

Sorry I haven't updated in so long!! I've been busy with school. Ugh. Hopefully the chapter was good?


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