Chapter eight

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Peter didn't know what  clothes to bring Pearl, so he brung her a t-shirt from lost property and some guy shorts. Besides it was only for the ten minute walk back to her room. Once Pearl had changed, she came out into the hallway where Peter, The King Alpha and King Vito waited for her. The second they saw her, the Alpha growled. "You are NOT wearing another mans clothes" he growled angrily. Pearl saw King Vito roll his eyes and smiled. They were both so very different. "Here" the Alpha said, tearing off his black t-shirt and threw it to her. "It'll be like a dress on you, so you'll be fine." Not wanting to anger him further, she went back into the room and changed.

The shirt really was like a dress on her, and she didn't even look half bad. She took her hair down from its bun and tried to brush it through with her hands. She might as well try to look nice for the people who liked her.

When she stepped out of the room, they both stared at her in awe, gawking like a gold fish. "Stop looking at my sister like that, your ten years older than her" The Alpha growled and shook his head. "It's nine actually". On their way back, Peter stopped by a door. "This is my room. Will you be alright with those two?" Pearl just nodded, smiling.

The three of them walked in silence, the two men a few slow steps behind her. She could tell they were both staring at her, but didn't bother to comment. She knew that they would continue to do it anyway. When they approached her room, the three heard shuffling within. The Kings instantly tensed up, as if getting ready to attack. But the second he door opened, the only saw a little girl.


"MUMMY!" she shouted running up for a hug, completely ignore the two intimidating men. "Mummy?!" King Vito asked. It was the first time he had remotely got angry with her, and she was surprised. "Pearl isn't my real mummy silly. She just my mummy number two, until I get mine back" the little girl giggled, not realising that the man was actually angry. The King sighed, and smiled lightly as Pearl. Pearl got hot under his gaze and walked inside... with the kings following her in. "Uhhhh... you can just sit on the beds if you like..." she said, going to the wardrobe to get a jumper out for Petal. The poor girl was only in a vest and her knickers. 

"This is your room?" the King Alpha asked, looking around at the dirty walls and broke bed. "Yup. And usually it would be shared with six other girls, but Jackson requested this for me" He sighed and King Vito let out a huff. "Why does this wolf seem to have done so much for you already? Its not fair that he got to treat you so much... if you can call this a treat."

After Petal had squeezed into the red jumper she ran other to the window sill. "Beta Jackson also used to bring her roses every day. But he doesn't come any more" she said happily sniffing the roses. The two men looked at Pearl in awe, as if they yearned to treat her like that too. But Pearl just continued to make up Petals bed. "Come on , time for bed" Pearl told her, just as she let out a yawn.

When Petal was finally in bed, she gave the boys a look. "What?" they both asked at the exact same time. "You can't stay here." she said quietly, but sternly. King Vito instantly got up, by the Alpha just pouted. "How are you supposed to fall in love with me if you won't spend time with me?" Pearl blushed and just shook her head. "Out. Now."


It took Petal a while to go to sleep... three and a half hours to be more exact. And all that time Pearl had to stay awake, making sure Petal didn't get too scared without her. With a sigh, she landed back on her bed. What a day it had been.*crash* Pearl looked up as she heard a loud bang. After a few seconds, she heard deep and shallow breathes. Pearls skin shivered and fear struck her heart. Were the hunters trying to get in the castle? Did they find out what room she was in?

She quickly backed away to the corner of the room as she heard scraping on the stone wall. She squinted her eyes and prepared to scream... just as King Vitos' head popped up. She sighed in relief and relaxed. "Don't just stand there! Help me in!" Frightened at his tone of voice, she instantly opened the window as wide as she could. Pearl took two steps backwads as the King leaped in through the window, and gracefully landed on his feet. His expression was dark as he began to stalk towards her, Pearls back against the wall.

"Do you know how long I have been waiting for that thing to go to sleep?!" he whispered angrily, glaring at poor Pearl. "SINCE I LEFT FOUR BLOODY HOURS AGO!" he whispered shouted at her. Pearl whimpered in fear, scrunching her eyes closed to escape his wrath. But when nothing more was said, she slowly opened her  little blue eyes. He was crouched down in front of her, with a confused look on his face, head tilted to the side.

"Why are you so afraid of me? You do know I won't hurt you, right?" Pearl looked deep into the kings eyes. They were blue... but not like hers. His were a sapphire blue, a lot darker than her own. Pearl could see the hatred in his eyes... but she could also she the love. He wasn't all evil. She didn't know why people made him out to be.

Although he still did scare her.

She nodded and tried her best to edge her way out of the awkward encounter but failed. She let out a yawn and scrunched up her nose as she did so. "Your tired. You need sleep." He said, leading her over by the shoulders to her bed. She got into her bed and began to close her eyes just as she felt some body else climb in. "Uhh... you can't sleep with me..." but it seemed it was already too late. He was already fast asleep, letting out quiet snores. She sighed and turned back over. "Fine. But stay on your side." she said as she saw his body edge closer.

But what she didn't see was his smirk.

Words: 1109

Heyyyyy! Thanks for reading this book, theres a special chapter coming up next with another persons point of view, so you should stick around to read that.

Question of the day: Who do you prefer; King Vito or the Alpha King?

Mia x


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