Chapter thirty-five

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Pearl was in the kitchen, washing up some of the dirty dishes from the previous night, when Luke suddenly appeared in the doorway to the room. And there was a familiar face that stood with him. 

"Layla?!" Pearl almost screamed. She hadn't seen her friend in over a month and had missed her terribly. She ran at her and wrapped her arms around her, careful to not squash her bump too hard. "Oh Pearl, you don't know how much I have missed you!" she spoke, hugging her friend back. 

"So you're the girl to whom Lukes' heart has gone to?" Both Layla and Luke blushed, but Pearl just laughed. She was so thankful that these two great people had come together. And she couldn't be happier for them!

At that moment, Blade walked in. He had clearly been happier since they had made up, but she wasn't sure that Luke being here would agree with him. But surprisingly, he looked really happy. "I knew that you would be happy to see them, so I decided to invite him over" Pearl smiled widely, going to stand by her husband.

Wrapping his arm around her waist, he lightly pecked her forehead. "Your happiness means everything to me" He spoke, looking deep down into her eyes. Hers were filled with awe and surprise, whilst his were with contentment and satisfaction.   

"So, if you want to, of course, I was thinking that we could all go out to the movies. It seems like a much better idea than staying cooped up inside here all the time." Pearl nodded in agreement. She hadn't left the packhouse since she had seen Luke in the mall, and that was absoloutely ages ago. 

"Let's go then" 


Pearl was sat in the front of the car, smiling widely as they passes by the fields surrounding the pack house. She loved to get out, and escape. It made her  feel as though she even had a little bit of freedom in the world.

But then, as the car rounded a corner, a car came flying round on the wrong side of the road. Blade was forced to swerve and they hit the tree on the the side of the road.

The car was smashed.


Zacharys P.O.V

We were all sat in a meeting room with the hunters, They were being a pain, as usual, but I was still forced to endure it. It was all going so boring until King Vito screamed out in pain.

He stood up and clenched onto the sides of the table screaming out in agony. Maids instaantly rushed to be by his side, when the Alpha Kind began to scream as well.

 What the hell was going on?

But then, I felt it too. It was like a stabbing feeling all over my body. It felt as though all bones had been pulled out of theri sockets, my muscles being teared limb by limb. Instantly we all knew the reasoning;


She had gotten hurt; like, really hurt. We were all stabbed by the maids, an injection. We all instantly calmed down, although the pain was still there;

Pearl was still there.

"We have to find her soon! If we don't she could die for Gods' sake!" It was Royal Beta Jackson who spoke, and I agreed. 

"I know how" i said. They all turned to me and I sighed. "We need a witch, however, and Luke isn't here. Do you have one?"

The Alpha King nodded grimly, clearly seeing where I was going with this.

"Get them in here immediately. Whilst the pain is still here, they can do a connection spell. It's like a doorway into her location, but it won't be open for long".

And just like that the Alpha King and the Royal Beta were off to find their witch, and Vito off to ... well, to do whatever he normally does.

I sat down, now left alone in the meeting room. The Hunters were now long gone, no wonder making a plan of attack for once we found her. I let out a long, needed sigh.

How was I all caught up in this? 

If only I had had a normal mate. I'm not saying get rid of Pearl, I just wished that she could be just mine. Like a normal mate, you know? We'd have been married by now, probably at home with her by my side. We'd soon start up our own little family, the pitter patter of little elf feet running around the room.

It would have been perfect...

.... but it's not.

"She's here" 

I looked up to see an aging women with bright grey haitr. Her eyes were light blue, however, and were still very electrifying. I nodded as they all sat down by me. The old women put down a large map on the table before getting seated next to me.

"All hold hands. It will only work if you yourselves are connected as one" The women held a thick Russian accent; I had never met a Russian.

I held my hands in hers and King Vitos'. Trust me, I didn't choose him, but he was just the one who was sat next to me. She almost straight away began chanting in some magical language, I wasn't sure what she was saying. Her eyes were closed, so we all followed her ways.

This had better work.

She continued to chant, getting louder and louder with every line. I squuezed her hand harder, as if I was begging for this to work. Which, yeah; I practically was. 

We kept going until she suddenly came to an abrupt stop. Her eyes and our all sprug open. She quickly grabbbed a knife from her back pocket (real safe, I know) and slammed it down on the table.

We looked at where it was pointed on the map; I didn't know the area, and neither did King Vito, but it was really close by.

Like, super close.

The Alpha growled loudly. "Didn't anybody check their territory?!" he screamed at Jackson, to whicj he replied,,

"Of course, we sent a warrior out there. They said that they would allert us if they had any news..."

"Then why haven't they?!"

We all instantly got up to go and prepare. Prepare for what?


Words: 1025.

Oh my God, guys, we are so close to the end of this book! I told my self to try and reach 50, but the story would be dragged out too long; so, it will at least go to 40, maybe a bit more. I'm so excited! Are you?
Edit: It is done now, it reached to 40!

Question of the day: Who will she choose in the end? Maybe its not Blade..... Comment down next to your team!

Team Blade

Team King Alpha

Team Jackson

Team Vito

Team Zack

Team Luke

Team Chase

Team Evangeline

Team Pearl

Team Layla (Come on, I know that you guys exist!)

Mia x


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