🎶Chapter 7🎶

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~*~*~*~*~First person POV:'Dafuq?' You thought to yourself as you heard the aggressive shout coming from the front of the line

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First person POV:
'Dafuq?' You thought to yourself as you heard the aggressive shout coming from the front of the line. The others seemed to hear this too, all having different expressions. Midoriya looked scared shitless, Uraraka shook her head, Iida looked like he was about to give a lecture and Todoroki just had a look of disappointment.

"FUCK YOU, YOU CANT TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK TO DO YOU DAMN EXTRA!" 'Ah shit, it speaks again' you thought, making you snicker to yourself. Apparently that wasn't a good decision as he began stomping his way towards you.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE LAUGHING AT YOU RAT" the mystery man spat in your face. His word choice just made you laugh even more, which in turn caused him to shout back at you.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL LAUGHING?!?!" He asked, you not hesitating to give him a reply.

"Ah shit, it's a rat" you said to him while hopping side to side. Let's just say that to everyone who witnessed this, you looked like you had some form of mental disability. This did NOT impress the aggressive male. At all.

"THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE PLAYING AT?!? ARE YOU FUCKING MENTALLY RETARDED OR SOMETHING?!" He began unsheathing his sword from his side until broccoli boy stepped in.

"K-Kacchan, she doesn't m-mean to offend you. P-please apologise (y/n) before another f-fight breaks out." You raised an eyebrow at what you just heard. Bitch. Apologise? Pffft.

"Nah, I don't feel like it." You replied nonchalantly, trying to seem like you didn't give a shit, when in reality his reactions made you want to W H E E Z E.

"Stay the fuck out of this you damn nerd, I'm gonna teach this fucking libtard a lesson." He said as he gave a sadistic smirk towards you.

"DCV, I bet I get more pussy then you've seen in your life." You said, wishing you had those MLG black glasses on the top of your head that you could just flick down to show you were the alpha male.

"The fuck are you talking about? What the fuck does DCV even mean?" He asked, a fed up expression on his face. You contemplated for a second weather or not to explain what you meant, knowing full well that it would just aggravate the male further. So of course you did.

"DCV means don't care, virgin. I'm basically saying that I get more girls then you could ever even dream of." You said smugly as your new friends' faces exploded red.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH! I'LL KILL YOU!" You laughed maniacally as everyone looked at you like you were insane.

"Go ahead pussy, I have nothing worth living for anyway." You said still laughing, causing everyone to give a sad expression. 'Well fuck' you thought to yourself as your new squad surrounded you.

"You should not think of yourself so lowly! What would your family think?" Iida said, making chopping motions with his hands which just intimidated you.

"Honey, if you didn't hear what I said earlier, I'm not exactly from here. I doubt that I'll see my family again bro." *mentally cries in Gucci*.

"Oi, shut the fuck up with all your sentimental shit. Nobody gives a fuck." The spiky boi said, making you nod your head in agreement.

"My boy here is spittin' straight facts right here" You said back to him. You would have said P R E A C H back to him but he ain't no vicar. If anything he seems like he would lead some form of 'edgy' occult.

"Bakugou, I would prefer it if you left us alone" Todoroki sassily spoke back to Bakugou, making you audibly make the 'OHHHH' noise.

"Bro, you're gonna need some ice for that third degree burn right there." You said, almost instantly regretting your word choice, being too lazy to explain what you meant.

"He clearly has no visible bur-"

"It's an expression" you cut Iida off, replying like you were completely dead inside, which by now you pretty much were. Your need for sleep instantly affecting your mood. (I'm sorry for always cutting you off Iida🤣)

Without even realising it, the line to enter the kingdom was completely gone, leaving only you guys to enter. Todoroki seemed to notice this too as he began walking away from the group and towards the gates, causing the rest of the group to follow.

"OI, TELL THE EXTRAS TO LET ME IN YOU DAMN HALF N' HALF" Bakugou shouted from behind you, causing Todoroki to sigh.

"As long as you agree to leave us alone, preferably forever" Todoroki said back. (Damn this is one sassy Todoroki). You stifled a laugh as Bakugou agreed, not bothered to argue anymore. The guards gave your group the okay to enter and opened the gates.


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