Chapter 12: Deserves Better

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I sighed, shutting my locker and begin walking towards the cafeteria, about to meet Sam and Brennen. Today is finally Friday which is sort of a relief since I can't with another day of school.

I propped my bag strap over my shoulder and continue walking, when suddenly I was grabbed and dragged into the bathrooms. I looked around panicked as I struggled against the grip, when I was pushed to the ground.

I groaned out in pain and turned around to see Corey and Jake smirking down at me. I could feel the pure hatred and mockery radiating from them. I shuffled back a little, my bag being thrown to the side as they approached me.

"Back again, Brock." Corey laughed before harshly grabbing me and punching me in the face. I groaned in pain and touched my nose to see blood. Tears brimmed my eyes from the pain but I tried to ignore it.

"You deserve to be alone. You don't deserve Sam." Corey taunted but I didn't listen to them. "Can't you see? He dreads being with you." Jake spoke up as he approached as well. "Who would ever want to be with you? Let alone love you?" He said again, making my heart hurt.

I slowly shuffled backwards, when he threw a kick to my side, making me cry out in even more pain. I bit my lip as I clutched my side, tears still threatening to fall. They laughed it out and grabbed me before hitting me and bruising me up.

I curled into a ball as I hid behind my hands, taking the harsh kicks and punches leaving me with a black eye, cut lip, bleeding eyebrow and nose, as well as an aching body.

"Your boyfriends can't protect you forever Brock. Watch your back." Corey laughed before they walked out, leaving me shaking and in pain. My bruised face was now coated in tears that eventually escaped my eyes.

Sobs of pain and dread escaped my lips as I struggled to stand up straight. Eventually I succeeded and looked into the mirror as more tears escaped me. I grabbed my bag and helped myself out, heading straight to the nurses office. I can't be seen like this again.

People have finally laid off of me. The last thing I want is them coming back to me just after one beating.

I limp up the stairs, heading straight towards my room after being excused by the nurse. Suddenly, Gage's room door opened making my eyes widen. "What the fuck?" He laughed, seeing me in the state I was in.

I stared at him as tears brimmed my eyes once again before looking away and hurrying into my room. His laughter died down and a few cuss words were heard before stomping footsteps.

I walk into the bathroom, cleaning myself up as Corey and Jake's words repeat in my head. What if Sam is truly dreading being with me? What if I truly don't deserve him?

I'm just a nerd to everyone. I'm irrelevant to all. So why would he love someone as worthless as me? I'm not enough for him and he deserves better. At this point, tears were streaming down my cheeks, once again.

I grabbed my phone, opening it straight to Sam's contact before drearily texting him five words.

To Sam☺️🖤:

I'm breaking up with you.

Was all I sent before my knees bucked and I fell to the ground. My room door was swung open and gage ran towards me, hearing my loud and pain filled sobs. He got down next to me and wrapped his arms around me as he shushed me quietly.

I was in too much physical and emotional pain to think of his doings, and just sunk in, wishing it was Sam instead. But I know. I know he deserves better.

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