Chapter 15: Trouble

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I grip Sam's hand tightly as we stand in front of the abandoned building, about to go in. Brennen had found a hole in the wall, saying we can reach it and get inside. "Yo let's go before we get caught." Brennen whispered as he gestured us over.

I sighed and looked up at Sam pleadingly but he just dragged me over either way. He stood next to the wall and tangled his fingers together, giving me a support to stand on. I sighed again, knowing it's too late to turn back now, and placed my right foot on Sam's tangled fingers before being hoisted up.

I let put a shaky breath once I sat on the edge, about to get down the other side but was scared shitless. It's higher than you think and I always had a fear of heights. "I-I can't do this." I whimpered and shut my eyes tightly, trying to control my breathing.

"Colby, baby, it's not really the time right now. We're gonna get caught and be in even more trouble." Sam said, a little impatient but I get why. Sitting on the edge of a hole broken through a wall of an abandoned building we're not supposed to be entering, is not smart.

"I-I can't." I breathed out as I gripped the edge tightly. "Colby, I'll catch you." Brennen suddenly spoke up, and I slowly opened my eyes."I'll catch you. I promise." He said softly, putting out his arms. I let out a shaky breath and nodded before turning around.

I placed my hands on the edge and dangled off of it, searching for any sort of support I can use to stand on. Yet I found nothing. "Brennen!" I yelped in fear, feeling my grasp slip. My hands let go of the edge and I closed my eyes tightly, expecting to die as I fell.

Strong arms caught me, keeping me close as I shook in fear. "You're alright. You're alright. I got you." Brennen soothed as he hugged me tightly, calming me down. Soon after, Sam hoped over and dusted himself off before walking over.

"You okay?" he asked softly as he cupped my cheek. "Y-Yea." I snifled and nodded before hugging him tightly. I placed a quick kiss on Brennen's cheek after pulling away and walked back to Sam, holding his hand tightly.

I noticed the little jealousy coating his face but it eased down once my hand met with his.

It's been almost an hour of exploring, and I'm starting to feel the uneasiness rise. We were currently exploring this little place filled with multiple dark room, and I had a really bad feeling something was gonna happen.

"G-uys what if s-some one lives h-here?" I whispered in fear as I hold Sam back from walking through the dark hall. "We'll be fine." Brennen assured but I could tell he was lying.

I let out a shaky sigh as we continued to look around. Sam let go of my hand for a little but I stayed in his view and close by. I looked through the rooms, carefully shining my light through as I explored a little, myself.

I walked into one of the rooms, the graffiti getting the best of me as I observed in awe. I shown my flashlight across the wall as I ran my hand over it. It was actually beautiful if you look at it fully. I carried on walking until I heard a little snap.

I stopped dead in my tracks, shining the light around, hoping it was Sam or Brennen just messing with me. I ignored it and continued walking around when suddenly, the flashlight was slapped out of my hand and I was pushed to the wall. The flash light landed with a little clink and it was thankfully pointed towards me, giving me light.

Yet in this moment, I wish it was all darkness.

A man around the age of 40 stood in front of me, clothes ripped, eyes bloodshot red, and skin rough looking. I whimpered and pushed myself against the wall as pure fear filled me. I knew we shouldn't have come here. I just knew it.

"You have to such lack of respect." The man spat raspily as he stared into my soul making me shiver. "Some people have no homes, and you tend to disrespect like that?!" He snapped, his voice getting louder as tears brimmed my eyes. I knew if I called for help he'd most likely stab me and leave me to die. So I stayed quiet.

"I-I'm sorry s-sir. I-I didn't t-think anyone would be i-in here. I-I was just l-looking around." I whimpered as I hid behind my hands, scared for my dear life. "Get your friends and yourself out of here. Before I change my mind." He seethed and pushed away from me, making me nod quickly. "T-Thank you sir." I shakily said and hurried out of the room.

"Colby!" Sam gasped as he and Brennen ran towards me in worry. "W-We have to get out now. We're disrespecting the h-homeless people that live here." I said quickly and grabbed them both before getting out.

Sam and Brennen began questioning me once we arrived back at the park and I obviously explained everything. Yet I was still terrified throughout.

I just wish people would listen to me more often.

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