Chapter 7: The Party(Wanda's POV)

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Hello! I am hoping to reach 55 comments for this chapter. Please help me. And 60 for next chapter. Also the person who comments the most will get a shoutout and a follow.

When we arrived at the road to the house the party was at, it was lined up and down with cars. there was distant music and disco lights too. Well lets just say that whoever was throwing the party still had that teenager effect in himself.

On entering the house we were too struck to even speak. The frickin' guy had made a whole decent house into some really weirdly kind of awesome shit. There were drinks and games and dances and music and oh! the love of my life: foooood! Me and Sienna quickly exchanged glances and she grabbed my arm and dragged me to get me to her friends. We had to duck and sweep and even jump in those cute but harsh heels of ours to avoid the crowd that was pouring from everywhere and nowhere.

Sienna was leading me because of my incapability of seeing where to go. Suddenly we stopped and I was about to ask her what happened but I suddenly saw a man with dark hair dressed in blue coat and tight blue jeans and a girl who kind of looked like Sienna. Realizing quickly it's her sister Flora ,I hugged her and asked how was she doing.

''Great! and how are you?'' Flora asked smiling.

''Great as well! today I came to your house for getting ready. You weren't there. Where were you?'' I asked randomly.

''Oh it's nothing, I was at my friend's house for getting ready. Mom told me you left just before I arrived'' She told me.

''Oh!'' I gave her a apologetic grin.

I turned towards the man and smiled a hello his way. He smiled right back and said a 'hi' to me. Then sienna asked me if I wanted to eat something, to which I patted my stomach indicating the hunger and we all laughed at my gesture. I turned and made my way to the food table with Sienna by my side. As I passed a group of men, I got a feeling that I had seen the same man from the pier. But remembering what had happened a day before in the café, I decided I was just imagining him everywhere. When we reached the table we saw that there were many varieties of snacks and some real food like pizza or pasta. I picked a slice of pizza and hoarded it into my mouth just as the music turned to a very slow dance music. I turned and saw everyone pairing up for the dance and even Flora paired up with the dark haired man who's name was apparently John Timberly. I shot a look at Sienna and asked ''You said she doesn't have a boyfriend?''

''Who?... Oh Flora you mean, no he ain't her boyfriend, he's her bestfriend'' she told me.

''Mmm hmm'' I replied while taking another bite. Well, people can go dance. I wouldn't even budge from this food table.

''I think we will be without a dance partner for the whole night.'' I suddenly said when one of the rumba music started playing and people quickly started dancing.

''Not just us.'' Sienna said and pointed to something at the far end which I was still figuring out where she had pointed when someone interrupted us.

''Will you like to dance with me?'' a man suddenly approached Sienna and raised out his hand. He was really handsome and good looking with his auburn hair and a grey suit so I smirked towards Sienna who was giving me death glare because she knew I'd be teasing her now.

"Errr... I would really love to Harry, but my friend over here will be lonely since she doesn't know anyone here. Sooo... maybe sometime else?'' Sienna gave him a sorry look.

''Ahem!'' I chewed the pizza bite and cleared my throat. ''Actually I think she would dance with you, because then she would be lonely when this pizza asks me to the dance, and trust me, I wouldn't say no!'' I said with a very serious expression while I raised the pizza up and began twirling in circles. when I stopped and turned to face them, they both laughed loudly and said in unison: ''May the pizza be ever in your favor!'' then looked at each other and blushed. I motioned for them to go before the dance ended. Sienna gave a look to Harry before grabbing me and dragged me all the way to the other end and then twirled me really fast and pushed me into a random direction. Then she shouted "Enjoy loners!" and left to dance with Harry.

I stumbled into something hard and just as my vision was clearing I heard the thing I collided into shout "Jeez! Woman you okay? You drunk or something?'' He was holding me tightly around the arms and when I looked up I almost gasped. Great! now I officially can be admitted in a mental hospital for hallucinating a little way too often. It was the freaking same man from the beach! I pushed myself a bit away from him then shook my head and looked again at him. Oh God! he was not changing into someone else like the other times! His expression was somehow my ditto copy. He gave a little gasp and then moved a step back and widened his eyes.

''You? the woman from the beach?'' He managed to speak out.

''Umm... Am I hallucinating this?" I questioned with an eyebrow raised.

''Uhh... are wait...Wanda!'' he said.

'' you really are here. Oh wow! Yeah I am Wanda, sorry I didn't ask your name that day...also you....look...really amazing...and thankyou for saving me.'' I stuttered.

''Flynn Jasper, Call me Flynn, and thanks for the compliment, you look fabulous too! Also what's your full name?'' he asked me so many questions in just one breath.






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