Chapter 20: The Attack (Author's POV)

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The sharp wind blew across Wanda's face, making her eyes watery. She looked around. She was a little too far away from the hall building.

It occurred to her that she had been walking for quite a lot of time. Del's just might be searching for her. She should probably go back.

Just as she was thinking whilst turning around, she  felt a sudden pull at her right arm and her hair being hauled back brutally such that all her hair pins came loose and she was ripped out of her position and thrown onto a bark of the tree. It hit her lower back, sending pain shooting up and down her whole body. There were sudden feelings of numbness and then several blackouts before she tried to stand up holding onto the same tree she was shoved into.

A few tears left her eyes as she wiped them as quick as she could. She could see a dark figure but not clearly. The figure was turning into two persons before turning back to one. She moved her hand at the back of her head, only to discover red liquid cover her fingers. "Shit!" she muttered.

Upon seeing the figure come nearer, Wanda jerked backwards and shook her head to make things appear more clearer. Her eyes did give her some mutual support and she was able to make out the figure's personality. Jason. It was the same Jason James. Sucker!

He moved nearer and seethed "did my mistress here get any injury ? oh you did? poor poor thing!"

"WHAT THE HECK JASON?!?!?!! why are you doing this!"Wanda shouted.

"Honey you should have been a little nicer to me back there. I am not very used to people calling me Ass holes" he said laughing.


"Go ahead baby, yeah but are you sure you can scream all the way back to the building?" He said while rubbing his chin."I don't think so!"

In the sweet but sharp moonlight, Wanda saw something silver glow as he gripped onto something.

A knife.

Fuck it.

"Do not you dare come near Jason. Do not you dare" she warned in a low tone.

He just smirked before running at her. His knife ready.

She moved just in time, moving sideways as she tripped on her own dress, making her fall over a bush. Getting unstuck quickly, Wanda took some more beneficial steps away from him. Her dress was way to long for her own safety. If she was to come in a flight or fight situation, she must do something about this dress's length. Having no other option. She decided to rip the bottom from the slit area, making the dress's new length being just till her knees. Realizing her high heels are a problem too, she tried to kick them off but soon remembered that they had been tightly buckled to her feet by her own self, in case she fell over. 'In case I died trying to flee' she thought being frustrated by her own dumbness.

"Sweetheart you do realize you can not kill someone with temptations? So...even if you do rip open that damn dress, I ain't dying easily."

Training her eyes once more on the hall building, could she make it if she ran? Her eyes glinted as a silver blade almost cut her throat. She moved backwards, earning herself a deep gash on her collar bones and not having her whole neck chopped off. 


A wave of gut wrenching pain blurred her visions as she soon took notice of her blood tripping from her wound and all over her dress. Red on burgundy. She took a step back, only to trip over a big stone and fall back.

Jason came nearer, ready to pounce upon her. She gripped the rock and threw it at him, hitting his face.  He shreaked as he rubbed his face.

Taking the leap of Faith, Wanda stumbled up and ran...ran towards the building. Her legs were hurting badly. She thought any moment she might lose the little strength she had. The grand building was now just a little way ahead. She shouted "FIDELIO!!!!!!!"

She ran further and streamed once more " DEL!!!!!"

Tears of relief left her eyes as she could see Del guided by the same manager coming out near the garden. He saw her... looks of joy and relief and goodness swept in his eyes before being turned to horror and pain and worry before being taken by anger.

That's when Wanda felt light as the momentum of speed kept her going forward until that too vanished somewhere as she fell forward, being abruptly caught by Del...finding the knife piercing her upper stomach from the back. Blood smothered her hands. A painful whimper left her mouth, feeling something sticky and liquid coming out of her mouth.

She looked at the far end confused...seeing the dark figure of Jason do a mock salute before disappearing in the shadows.

"Del....uhhh" Wanda groaned and she curved her back, twisting in sheer pain. Hearing her painful cries, Del held onto her firmly yet delicately enough to not injure her any further.

"Shush....shush will be alright! I am here... who did this?...I am here with you honey....please please Wins..." He kept on saying...As tears swelled up his eyes and fury forced them out.

The manager, Mr. Gabriel Louis, came running clutching a phone in his hands. Low, weak light glowed from it.

"I have called the ambulance Sir. It will be here" He said quickly.

Wanda knew it....knew it all too well. She could sense it coming...the dreadfully horrifying lullabies of death...whispering quiet and hushed songs that clearly stated the moira that awaited her. She knew she couldn't make it. She had no chance of life holding on her delicate, scarlett threads of what we called life. She realized it was all over. The pain, the misery the injustice....the sorrows...they were all to be ended today... Today was its end. Today was the day she will finally leave this planet...her soul be carried in the lightest of arms, to whatever awaited her. 6th will be known as her deathday, if not the day she had tried to suicide. The day at the Malibu Pier. If not that day...then this one.

Death will not contradict her twice...will it?

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