Chapter 17: The meeting( Writer's POV)

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First of all guys I decided to do this chapter in my own POV 'cause poor narrators like us do deserve a POV too * cries in the dark corner * nevertheless , here you go!


It was one of those mornings you wake up thinking 'oh Lord! what planet is this? am I a human? what era is this?' and believe me those are the things worst of all. So was Wanda's. She woke up hurriedly and looked around like the sunlit hotel room was some kind of dungeon or cave. 

''Uugjg'' she muttered.

''Sorry chica I do not understand sloth language'' Fidelio laughed.

Wanda shot her head sharply in his direction, eyeing him suspiciously. She cleared her throat before asking'' what are you doing in my ro- wait this isn't my room...''she drew her brows together.

''You passed out here yesterday night. remember?'' He questioned.

''No...'' she whispered before nodding her head slowly ''okay...I dryer, food, fire...yeah okay''

''Finally'' he said.


''And this is how the 'Florez Co.' is beneficial for you'' Finished  Fidelio.

It was a quite long meeting with the discussion of some partnership and sponsor appeals. Many companies had decided to join the Florez Co. Even companies like L&J decided to collaborate with them on the new France project. However some companies can be quite tough. Just like Stephany Productions. The company was a major advertising brand and getting Their company to be advertised by it was a vital task. It had been refusing and rejecting their proposals and asking for a face-to-face Discussion as only then will they allow them free advertisements. Well L&J played and important role in the meeting as It being a popular company and now their ally made them more strong. Plus Fidelio Co. itself was completely blockbuster! Fidelio did although through some tricks and planning got the Stephany Productions to agree to supply them with free Ads.

Talk about a successful business man.

''So ladies and gentlemen! I hereby announce a grand party to be held this afternoon at the city ballroom. I am pleased to share the news of this gathering and giving out invitations as this will mark the special occasion of this collaboration we have now. I will be more than happy to have you all as my guests. Thankyou!'' Fidelio said.

''Oh another partyyyy...'' Wanda sighed. She hated Them. Plus Sienna wasn't even here. How could she enjoy alone?

The invitations were already being handed around. People were chit chatting about this upcoming fun night. A man came and gave Wanda here invitation. She dreadingly opened it and read. ''Dear Miss Anthem, I look compassionately towards your arrival (I will drag you with me even if you don't come ;D)'' she chuckled as Fidelio came by her side.

''So you will drag me huh?'' She asked raising a playful eyebrow.

''If that's the only way...YES!!!'' he pinched her cheeks.

''Hey!'' she slapped his arm hardly.

''Ooww!'' he pouted.

''Hehehehe'' she smile evilly.

(okay like enough with the she did this and he did that)


''Yes it is all due to your dumb idea to call them to a party for celebration. NOW I DON'T FREAKIN HAVE ANY PARTY DRESS TO WEAR. '' Wanda groaned.

'' may have something...girls always say that'' Fidelio smirked.


''Well if you want to" Fidelio teased.

''I am gonna come over there and smack your shitty face to the moon and back and Punch your eyeballs and make yo-''she started angrily.

''OKAY OKAY that's scary! calm down Chica ! why don't we go get you a dress?'' Fidelio suggested while tucking his feet beneath him.

''I will break your arms and feed you to the wolv.....wait what? you mean dress shopping?'' she pursed her lips together.

''Yeah?'' he replied

''hmm....Really?''she looked hard at him

''You are scaring me with that look. We can go now to the mall if you want?'' he asked.

''Okay meet me down in Five minutes'' She shrugged and went away.

''Okay'' he got up.


''I guess dark does suit me'' she grinned.

''It sure does'' he replied.

They stood there looking in the mirror of the store. The dress was very gorgeous. And as Fidelio thought, looked even more beautiful as it was on Wanda. It was a sleeveless burgundy net dress that hugged to her curves and had a high slit and lacework all over it. It had a low-cut neck and showed her cleavage perfectly. It was backless with thin straps. Although Wanda did oppose but who could say no to the Puppy eyes Fidelio made? Thus the dress was finaled. She is gonna be wearing it tonight. Who knows how the night will go?

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