Chapter 11: A Fight Once More(Sienna's POV)

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Hello! I am hoping to reach 75 comments for this chapter. Please help me. And 80 for next chapter. Also the person who comments the most will get a shoutout and a follow.

I dropped Wanda to her home and drove to my own. It was so frustrating. I could not literally stop myself from thinking about that shit again and again. How could Flora? is she crazy or what? like...she can be Flynn's bestie or whatever but if she decides to be the one to mess things up for Flynn and Wanda, she will get a good kick in the rear end. And I mean that. Wanda was there for me when no one else was. She was the one who made me change from a nerd to someone social. She means so much to me. I can't let anyone do whatever damn shit they are planning. Anyone...

And yeah! here we have rain. I just reached the bronze metallic gates and drove to the parking space. Straddling past the daisies and sunflowers, I reached the porch and sat down. the cold took me by surprise. Calling Wanda would have been a great idea if we weren't this much tired. Also she might be enjoying the rain herself...She loves it. I decided to leave a voice note because I knew she would be out jumping in the puddles. After that, I got up and went inside.

''Hey sister !'' Flora sneered from the couch she was on, her eyes glued to the TV. 

I ignored her completely because I know about her bitchy mood. She invited conflict. I was still in my dress so cant kick ass perfectly, Flora's ass can wait. I started up for my room when Flora said the most infuriating thing ever : '' is your bestie doing? or more like what is your bestie doing...I guess went with some random stranger to his home because of how much desperate she is!'' She let out a humorless little laugh. 

I grabbed the first thing that came into my hands and threw it at her feet. A vase shattered and some pieces pierced her legs, blood oozed out and she grunted before gritting her teeth. she removed the pieces and got up with a limp. I smirked ''Wish they were in your ass just like they are in your tongue.'' 

''You.'' she glared at me and said with a icy low tone and moved towards me. I took my stance. 

''Oh. okay...a fight it is then , as you wish sister '' her way of saying sister was literally getting on my nerves. Utter disgust was dripping from it. 

She lunged forward and I had to duck and pull back. Wow...I thought I damaged her leg. Feels like I didn't, now I will. I looped low one more time as she grabbed another vase and swung it at my head. I arose faster than she thought and turned to attack. A power punch to the jaw, miss. an upper jab, miss. two consecutive lower jabs, hit! she stumbled back then looked up and sneered. Oh she was so NOT the type for Flynn. Flynn hated fights...she loved them. no wonder why Flynn was Single even with such a hot girl, I hate to admit but Susan is hot. woops! should concentrate on the fight. she is heavily breathing now...yes! I strike. an upper cut , a roundhouse kick and finally a knockout pun---'' STOP!!!!'' we heard a yell.

''WHAT THE HELL?'' our dad stood in the hall, glaring'' care to explain why are you two fighting at 12 in the night? mom bellowed.

''SHE STARTED IT!!!'' we both shouted at each other whilst pointing a china vase at each other.

''SHE'S LYING!!!'' we screamed again.

''QUIET DOWN WILL YOU?'' dad boomed from his position. We lowered our weapons. Still holding them ready in case of sudden need to whack each other's head.

''What happened?'' mom asked snatching our weapons. 

''Nothing'' we said in unison and exchanged stares.

''Nothing happened and you started fighting each other violently? wow!'' mom remarked sarcastically.

''She was being a bitch so I decided to use bitch-repellent, that are my fists'' I smirked. it pissed Flora off.

''I would say the same. but I don't speak crap'' Flora growled.

''Of course you don't, you don't speak crap, because you are crap!'' I shooted right back.

''Girls!'' our father came in and grabbed our arms.''Say sorry''

''But she st---''we started but were cut off.

''NOW!!!'' he shouted.

We couldn't do anything but accept our father's orders. Giving death glares, we said sorry to each other.

''Your rooms. Now!'' our parents said. we stomped and slammed our doors almost out of their hinges. 

God! this day started so good, but ended up worst than any day could ever. I know its so cliché but yeah...for me getting into a fight with my sister twice is a bad day...





and I love you all!!!

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