Chapter 15: Realization(Wanda's POV)

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Hello! I am hoping to reach 95 comments for this chapter. Please help me. And 100 for next chapter. Also the person who comments the most will get a shoutout and a follow.

I stood there. Motionless. Trying to understand what was happening. All I could feel was Fidelio's lips tracing the skin of my lower jaw and his ragged but fast breathing. He inched nearer to my lips with every passing second. I twitched just as he was near my lower lip to which he reacted by moving a bit away to look at me. Amusement as well as worry and confusion swam in his hazel green eyes. But all those emotions were changed as a desire and hope took over them. I stared in his eyes, still standing fixed to my spot. They were no doubt beautiful. They had a electric and fiery feel in them. Quite sexy to be honest. He shook his head and then once more came in for the kiss. My gaze hadn't left his eyes.

They were Gorgeous and attractive alright but...but still they were not what I wanted to see. I searched in them for the feeling of home and comfort and belonging but I couldn't find it anywhere. This feeling I was searching for only came from one pair of eyes I knew....Flynn's. His genuine, chocolate brown, sparkly and innocent eyes were what I longed for. I haven't seen them from such a long time. I...I...I missed them. 

Through all that I had totally forgotten that Fidelio was now so near to kissing me. But...I can not do this. I don't want him to do this. His lower lip had just touched my upper lip slightly when I decided to break my motionless self and move back. I pushed myself about a foot back until I was away from his reach. He stood there wide-eyed and looking like he's just seen a ghost. A tear slipped down my left eye. Fidelio looked at me in disbelief.

''I...I am sorry...if-'' he muttered.

''No wait!....I am...sorry.'' I replied without looking at him directly. A tear flowed down which was followed by a stream of more tears.

 ''I am sorry I shouldn't have done that'' he said again coming in closer. I raised my hand to stop him from moving any further.

''No's all my fault. I shouldn't have came in this place at all. I should have stayed back instead'' I said crying at my dumbness.

''It's not your fault. I forced you to come here. And on top of that I asked you to drink, I am sorry for this Wanda'' he said coming in closer before using his right hand to put my raised hand down slowly. He moved further until we were close enough that he lifted my chin up and said ''I promise that whatever happened today will never happen ever again.'' then he embraced me in a tight hug. ''I am sorry''

''I shouldn't have....its just that I ....its just...'' I stuttered.

''Shh there chica. it's fine, I understand. You don't need to say anything.'' Fidelio said, rubbing my back.

''I just wanna go back'' I mumbled.

''Okay let's get you to the hotel'' he replied before holding my hand and guiding me to the exit.

Just on the way out there was a tiny group of men standing at the corner. Their lusty eyes roamed all over my body before a few whistles left their lips. Fidelio glared at them and raised his shirt from the left side. I saw something metallic glistening in the nightlight. 

It was a pistol.

The men all looked frightened and slowly backed off before running away. I glared at him and gasped. ''Why the hell on earth will you bring a gun to a club?'' he grabbed my mouth and made a 'sshhh' sound.

''Don't shout that out loud!'' he squeaked.

''Whyyyy?'' I asked.

''For moments like these.'' he said before pointing at the area where those men had stood.

''You are weird'' I stated.

''I know'' he smiled adorably.

The time was around 1 o clock and the night was a bit too chilly. I saw the goosebumps rise on my bare skin and rubbed my hands on my arms. Del must have noticed this gesture of mine thus he took off his black jacket and put it on my shoulders. I looked at this man's simple but sincere act and couldn't help but think that do I deserve all this? I had refused this man to kiss me before because of my very own reason and still he refuses to ever leave his support for me? I don't deserve this kind of trust and loyalty. I seriously don't. What have I ever done for him? nothing. Yet here he still stands by me and protects me. Why?

I took off the jacket me gave me and put one end on his shoulder while the other on mine. This way, both of us now had the jacket on us. He looked at me and smiled before shaking his head at my hopeless self. I grabbed him my his back while he did the same , making us come closer and creating enough space in the jacket. We strode towards our hotel while the night became deeper and deeper. 

Upon reaching the hotel I slumped on the bed...Ughgh I have to change my clothes... But I am too tired... We didn't have any food... I swear I know me and I am going to have to wake up in the middle of the night for food... clearing up my mind, I took off my clothes without bothering to wear any sleepwear and pulled the sheets up, ready to sleep...





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