Chapter 19: Shortie

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It was in the middle of the night, and Ink had yet to return home. He had already texted Killer beforehand that he was going to be late.

Can Ink really be blamed? A situation where you actually meet up with your online mystery friend in real life. A weird way to find out, but a way nonetheless.

Plus, Error is...amazing. Unlike most people when texting, he's exactly what you'd expected him to act like. Well, not completely. Ink had yet to know more about him, considering they never talked that much about themselves while texting.

He had went to retrieve his art bag; Error tagging along, and had met Error's brother and from what seems to be a friend of his. Or maybe his brother's boyfriend, Ink had major shipping vibes with those two.

Well, now they were strolling along the border of the 'separate' forests. His bag was a little heavy, but he could take it. He carried around a gigantic paintbrush, of course he could carry the bag. Well, Broomy's a lot lighter than it makes itself out to be, but we're going to ignore that fact. Though, the weight was getting ever so slightly bothersome.

Scratch that, he was dying. When he was first carrying it that day, Ink was all excited and full of energy. Right now, he's battery low, or battery dead, for that matter. Broomy had also added to the weight, not making the situation better in the slightest.

Error glanced at him, an amused expression on his face at Ink's obvious suffering. Not even trying to help the other, he was just casually enjoying the scene.

They had been chatting up a storm for a while, since they were already knowing each other.

"You know, you could just say the word."

"No need, I'm doing just fine." That did not sound convincing.

He just needed a distraction, which was easy, because of his short attention span.

Think of something, look at something that would be fun to sketch.

An idea spun in his mind, as he whipped his head around, trying to find something interesting. Maybe something he could paint or draw.


Ink stared over at the skeleton beside him, who was already looking at him because of the previous conversation. Error was just waiting for him to give in, but Ink is stubborn, and stubborn people will not give in.

Error was...fascinating, really. His colour palette seemed to hold great contrast, which not that many people had.

His own personality seemed like a fun challenge to paint. Really, he had exceeded Ink's expectations whenever he thought about meeting his online friend.

And Ink had the bar pretty damn high. The animal form was one thing, those interesting glitches that fizzed around his whole body was another. Then the eye sockets, Ink's stare bored into them. They were entrancing, and so different from everyone else that Ink has ever seen. It's so fun to meet unique people.

"Uh...Ink?" Oh yeah, he was gazing directly at him, and was also rambling in his head about how amazing Error was, like a doofus.

"Sorry! I tend to get carried away, sometimes."  Error glanced off to the side, his hands shoved in his pockets, a faint blue blush on his face. A little silence ensued, annoying both of them.

You know what could easily cover up the awkwardness? Ink doing something stupid. He did that often, and it usually works.

But what would he do? Or say? Again, another idea formed in his mind, a smirk formed on his face. His pupils changing colours and shapes as he blinked, which had caught the other's attention.

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