Chapter 30: Can't Say No

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Lights flickered, making the awaiting person a bit more visible and bright, before darkening and completely hiding their position. It's not like it mattered anyway; where they were, no one was going to find them.

At least that's what they wished would happen.

Unfortunately, they had left some important disguise material back there, and anyone that would have found that evidence will make tracking them down beyond easy. Even though it had been reported to the head scientist, his only response was to grin, presumably everything is going according to plan. In that thought, they shivered, remembering the awful sociopathic actions that the scientist had caused.

Their mind went back to the guardian. The one that was about to kill them, but after seeing the suffering and pain that was cast upon them, the guardian hesitated. That was all they needed.

Stepping out of their ominous hiding spot, they walked over to a specific room, labelled R3VhcmRpYW44, or in short, R3V.

Knowing the scientist, it meant something, but they could never figure it out. Whatever it was, they felt a slight twinge of curiosity, almost as if they could feel it. Some kind of code, it meant something, but they didn't know what. And not knowing was every so slightly infuriating.

No matter, they were ordered to check on the subject, not dawdle on something. You would get disposed for that, and this person didn't plan on losing what's left of their memories any time soon.

Gently pushing the door open, they heard it creak to the smallest degree. They peeked inside to check if everything was among order and right in tip top shape. Scanning the room, they couldn't help but develop a keen interest in the guardian in custody. When it was first put in the well enforced...'cage', it was crying and shouting, even resorting to screaming and banging the bars at specific times. And after only a couple minutes of doing so, they stopped, and proceeded to stay still for the whole time they've been here.

From what they could see, it appeared to be a skeleton, yet they could not determine whether it was a male or female. It had some sort of aura, one that made their soul flip every now and then, with overwhelming emotions and memories flooding in.

They liked this guardian, the aura it possessed made the creature feel nice, and they enjoyed the pleasant feeling it provided.

The guardian's body was injured, due to immediate experiments being performed, as well as multiple random hits being thrown towards them. Sometimes the scientist would laugh while doing so.

They didn't like it.

From what they could determine of the guardian, it was planning something. This one wasn't hopelessly waiting for help and rescue, but trying to find a way to rescue themselves already. Even though the chances of them getting rescue was reasonably high, due to the trail the creature had left behind.

The goopy creature decided as long as they were out of the way, they would do nothing to stop the guardian from escaping.

Because if they were found actively helping the guardian, they would be no more.



His footsteps made little to no noise as he raced across the forest, a thick foggy mist surrounded him, causing his already bad vision to worsen. This didn't even look like the haunted woods, or the more public and enjoyed part of the forest. Where was he?

Error pulled up his head, his soul pumping so hard he wouldn't be surprised if it burst out of his chest. In his left hand, he clutched his key with a firm grip, he had been holding it for so long he could feel the heat now transferred to the key.

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