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The Second World War was finally over a few years ago, and he was there in Paris, in this bar, drinking his glass of vodka. The young woman who came to him was of course France, she was so beautiful, so cute and what a pair of nice thighs. USSR wondered what kind of softness could be her cute ass and also for her generous breasts. But he had to stop thinking about it, France had just sat in front of him. USSR noticed that she seemed to be unhappy or sad about something.

-Is there something that bothers you, France? Asked URSS as he was looking at her with a worried look, as she hesitated to confide in him.

After what seemed like a long time but was only a few minutes, she decided to open up a tiny part of her torment.

- Yes, something is bothering me and I can't find a solution to it.

- What is it?

-It's about my past, about the fact that I, my people, were divided, like... I.. I can't recognize myself when I look at my face in the mirror. But that's not the only problem, that I'm facing.... Eh, I am indeed a pretty doll completely useless serving strictly for nothing, don't you think?

Tears began to slide over her delicate face.

-No! replied the USSR, calmly, it pains him to see her in this state.

She gave him a weak smile, her lips still trembling. She tried to stay straight, she didn't want him to see her in that disastrous state. She felt so pathetic at that time. What was wrong with her, France kept asking herself, she was not like that before the two World Wars, and now she was crying in front of USSR who seemed really concerned and afflicted by her attitude, it was even quite strange that this great man usually had a cold face seemed right now to worry about her condition, and he seemed really confused. France hesitated to tell him more, she did not know how he would take it and react. Maybe with anger, sadness or then he would be so cold, so inaccessible.

Nothing was pronounced between the two countries for about five minutes, until finally USSR decided to break the ice.


She lifted her eyes on him, there color were of a crystalline grey, there were still traces of her tears in the corner of her sweet eyes. USSR was drowned in her eyes, he could not say another word.

The woman notice his gaze and felt quite embarrassed, France decided to lower her eyes as she felt the red rose to her cheeks. The two countries were scarlet red but at least France had stopped crying, she even made a little chuckle.

-What's so funny, France? USSR asked in a deep voice and leaving no expression on his face, he had to repress a smile seeing the red cheeks of France.

-Nothing, really, replied France, still smiling.

- Liar.

-No, I am not. France put her hands on the table with a heavy .


USSR smiled at his reaction, and murmured:

-Gee, you're so cute.

-Have you said anything, USSR? asked France in an amusing tone.

But taking his glass of vodka to his lips, the USSR did not answer France's question.

She had ordered a black coffee who finally came, savoring it little by little, its aroma so dark diffused between them.

She tried to get him to answer but nothing worked, even when she made her puppy eyes. At that moment USSR was still lost in her sad eyes, her attempt to be joyful with a big smile was only a masquerade that was not reflected in her eyes, the truth was here, he really wanted to know what was troubling her, what was making her suffer so much. Maybe it was because he wanted to help her, she didn't look at him the same way like the other countries did, she didn't fear him, USSR couldn't understand her, France was a real mystery. Then, when suddenly she began to speak in a serious tone it surprised him, and he jumped a little bit.

-Hey, USSR you can see behind my mask, right? How broken I am inside, even when I feel happiness when I'm teasing you... I... France looked at the ground, her smile disappearing.

-What is your objective France? I don't understand you, you sit at my table revealing a little bit of what's troubling you and then after a few minutes you suddenly wear a mask of happiness and then ... you ... seem even more depressed. I... I'm absolutely confused about everything that just happened on you, it worries me. Answered USSR with a wounded and confused face .

- I'm afraid to talk to someone about my problems, I think they can't understand them or worse they wouldn't believe me about ... I'm sorry about that. I shouldn't have.... I'm leaving now and you don't have to worry or think about this. Bye. France rose and turned her back to USSR, France felt her tears running down her cheeks. One hand grabbed her wrist, she turned her head and saw USSR looking at her with a determined look.

-France, you can tell me about it. I don't like seeing you like this.

-Will you believe me?

-I will as much as I believe in communism.

She lets go a little laugh at his answer .

-Here is my address, France gave him a small card. USSR grab it and put the card in his wallet , releasing his grip on the lady's wrist.

-See you soon, then mon ami (my friend).

France went outside of the pub.

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