The ecstasy

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The fusion of their two bodies, in a succession of movements that allowed them to reach ecstasy, to make them forget all of their pasts, all the tensions of war, all the feelings other than pleasure. This enjoyment allowed a brief moment of a rebirth, of intense pleasure in this post-war world.

France felt and thought only of the USSR, his so hard penis, which tore it apart in her but despite this weak moment of pain it was quickly replaced by an intense pleasure. Accompanying her partner by hugging her legs against his chest, clinging to him . At each of his violent strokes she uttered small cries of pleasure, encouraging him to continue in this violence, the power of the movement that turned her whole being an upside down. She made repetitive movements of her pelvis, to accentuate the sensations of intense pleasure that he inflicted on her. After several minutes she felt a familiar sensation in her lower stomach as she approached her orgasm, she felt her body contracted around the penis of USSR.

"Ah , yes ... USSR!"

France enjoys and feels growling USSR against her ear, he bites his partner's neck, removing his penis from the young woman's vagina. She was taken back of envy, as soon as he had withdrawn. And the desire that he will be again in her made it even more pressing , she deeply wished that he destroyed her again in this intense pleasure. Changing position, USSR sat on the bed, looked in the direction of France, which was next to him at right, she was lying on her stomach, her gaze full of lust and envy. This made him smile , he stroked the back of the woman ,like a cat she gave small sighs . He lifted her up and puts her in front of him, now on the knees of USSR , France smiled and kissed him on the mouth . He devoured this kiss, sticking his tongue in his partner's mouth. France stuck to him, their two sexes were against each other.

No longer able to contain himself any longer, USSR plunged in her again. She cried out with pleasure, a flood of sensation submerged her again. USSR struggled to contain himself in the face of the cries of pleasures of his companion, he craved madly to mark her everywhere, from biting her to the blood, to drink it . A desire to yield to the beast in his heart, to dominate France entirely, so that she can think of nothing but him and become the master of a person so rebellious, so stubborn, so proud, so strong that appealed to him, but he knew that he had to proceed in stages to arrive at this result. The kiss was interrupted by France , who took a little more courage , pushed USSR on his back , it surprised the man , and as she impaled herself again on the sex of the man, going at her pace . A rhythm that he did not find fast enough for his taste, he then put his hands on the thighs of France started accelerating the rhythm . And this resulted in an increase in the pleasures of France, whose breasts bounced at each pelvic movement. USSR taken and caress the right breast of France , and then bit her left nipple , he felt that France was near her orgasm

As she was about to moan with pleasure, he embraced her, and soon after, he came inside her. The two lovers were out of breath on the bed, USSR removed his sex from France, she was still resting against his muscular chest.

"So, it has been a long time since you wanted to have sex with me?"Asked France, caressing the chest of USSR.

"Yes, I think it was since the Franco-Soviet Treaty of Mutual Assistance of 1935. When our two countries signed, I admitted I had a very strong desire to rip off your little tailor and make love to you violently on the table. And the fact that you're married doesn't bother me very much, and I think I would have if we had been alone ."

" I was married. I am not married now and if you had tried at the time to make love to me so violently I would probably have slapped you several times, you did not scare me then and you still do not scare me now."

"Are you sure that you are not afraid of the Russian ogre." He whispered to her with a smile before kissing her neck. France smiled and laughed. Putting her hand in front of her mouth to try to hide her smile. She had desired USSR for how long. She did not know, but it was especially after the war that she wanted him to make her forget her past even if she knew in her heart that it was impossible.

She must not forget her story, her past, she would go straight to the end if she did. She would loves to entrust to someone else who could understand her , she knew she could count on Greece for this . After a few minutes, the two lovers fell into Morpheus' arms.

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